Health and fitness as an individual.

Its been a few years now on this health and fitness journey its had its up and downs, great results, weight gain, weight loss, muscle gains and muscle loss. Ok there might be some others in there but those are the main ones. During those couple i have learnt what works for me and what doesnt, listened to all the advice relating to eating right and what sort of exercise burns the most, had personal trainers, (3 in fact). All given different types of advice, they all have their own styles.

Controlling the weight is like a balancing act, reading about fad diets that promises guaranteed results, eating certain foods that kill those fat cells but what i have learnt is that certain exercise routines, food choices doesnt work the same for everyone. Eating certain foods works individually especially.

I have found this site very helpful in the past when i have combined exercise and eating right so as it has worked for me before i will start back on it again.

My set backs were sugar and when i say sugar i mean the sugar from chocolate bars, cakes, snacks. Fast food especially hasnt helped matters. So fresh start, plenty of hard work ahead (not looking foward to it at the moment).

It would be nice to have some support from people that know what they are talking about and obvisouly it is up to me to make the changes not just moan about

Although i know what i am doing now, i don't see any harm with tips, advice from fitnesspa members. i like to keep an open mind.
