I need help...clueless about weightloss and carbs

Can you look at my diary and tell me whats wrong. I am new to dieting...I am mainly trying to tone up my "pouch" from a c section I had 3 years ago. I am doing T25 and the Ab Carver Pro. I just started a week ago. I weight 138lbs and my stomach is 35 inches...at least thats what it was last week when I started. I havent checked the scale or measured again. I am always under 1200 calories each day. I am always hungry and I want to get a meal replacement but I dont know which one to buy. Any suggestions of a good meal replacement that is not expensive. I did read about shakeology and that is NOT AN OPTION so please dont recommend that. Thanks for any help or suggestions.


  • LaneB89
    LaneB89 Posts: 93 Member
    No suggestions in terms of meal replacements other than that eating whole foods will leave you more satisfied than any kind of shake/drink meant to replace meals. If you're asking about carbs, I think you should eat a lot less of them and replace them with mostly protein and some more fat as well. It won't make you lose more weight, but it will help you feel less hungry. Fat and protein are both more satiating than carbs.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    You cannot spot pick fat loss. Continue at a calorie deficit for losing weight, and exercising for overall health and strength.

    And you need to eat more. Doing exercise and eating under 1200 calories isn't going to end well.

    Read this:

    ETA: spelling.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You cannot spot pick fat loss. Continue at a calorie deficit for losing weight, and exercising for overall health and strength.

    And you need to eat more. Doing exercise and eating under 1200 calories isn't going to end well.

    Read this:

    ETA: spelling.


    The sexypants thread gives tons of info. 1200 is MFP's lowest net default. It may be an appropriate number for you or you may have set your weekly goal too high. If you are hungry all the time your overall calories are too low or you are not eating filling foods.

    Net calories means MFP gave you a deficit BEFORE exercise. That way people who can't do any exercise still lose weight.

    Filling foods have protein, fat, and fiber. You may need to experiment......low fat protein is not filling for me.....but is for others.

    Meal replacements are a quick fix....they are good for losing weight....useless for keeping it off. Meal replacements are good marketing.....lots or repeat customers......losing the same pounds again and again.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Weight loss is simpler than you think, calories in and calories out. Remember carbs are not the enemy. Also remember weight loss takes time and there are outside factors such as water weight that can skew weight loss results.

    I'm looking at your diary and it seems like you recording properly, however, I did notice your bananas weigh the same amount every single time. This may be tiny but it makes me question if you are doing that with other items as well.

    If i were you, focus on measuring and weighing everything properly and check and double check the items you use from the MFP database. Also make sure you record the use of all oils and butters and etc in your cooking and weigh / measure them appropriately. If it's a solid, it needs to be weighed on a scale, if liquid then a measuring cup.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Can you look at my diary and tell me whats wrong. I am new to dieting...I am mainly trying to tone up my "pouch" from a c section I had 3 years ago. I am doing T25 and the Ab Carver Pro. I just started a week ago. I weight 138lbs and my stomach is 35 inches...at least thats what it was last week when I started. I havent checked the scale or measured again. I am always under 1200 calories each day. I am always hungry and I want to get a meal replacement but I dont know which one to buy. Any suggestions of a good meal replacement that is not expensive. I did read about shakeology and that is NOT AN OPTION so please dont recommend that. Thanks for any help or suggestions.

    8 pounds to go......your weekly weight loss goal should be no more than 1/2 pound. Eat a portion of your exercise calories back if you want to lose fat....and not lean muscle. A portion of exercise calories because MFP gives generous estimates.
  • Tattoolover30
    Tattoolover30 Posts: 5 Member
    I havent cooked any food other than boiling eggs since last week. I mostly have been eating salads and fiber one bars along with fruit. I eat tuna fish and wheat pockets too. Like I said I am new to this and am clearly unaware of what foods I can still eat. Is deli meat ok? Sphaghetti? Baked chicken from a chicken pack at the grocery store? I am really trying to stay positive and not let my depression seep in because of my misunderstanding of how to lose fat properly. Thanks for the help everyone.
  • Watermelon_Crush
    Watermelon_Crush Posts: 170 Member
    I'd have to second what's been said about not eating under 1200 cals...

    It won't do you any favours. If you eat too few cals, all that is going to happen is your body will panic, think it's being starved, so will store all the fat it can.....and that's counterproductive to what you're trying to do.

    So make sure that you eat *at least* 1200 cals a day. I'm not saying you have to eat a load more or anything, but just no less.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I havent cooked any food other than boiling eggs since last week. I mostly have been eating salads and fiber one bars along with fruit. I eat tuna fish and wheat pockets too. Like I said I am new to this and am clearly unaware of what foods I can still eat. Is deli meat ok? Sphaghetti? Baked chicken from a chicken pack at the grocery store? I am really trying to stay positive and not let my depression seep in because of my misunderstanding of how to lose fat properly. Thanks for the help everyone.

    You don't have to radically change your diet to lose weight. I've dieted in the past & regained the weight I lost. What I found that I needed to do was to make lifestyle changes. I eat less processed food now, not zero.....processed foods are not the devil. All things in moderation.

    Focus on meeting macros....protein, fat, and carbs.

    Re: losing fat............losing weight WILL include some muscle loss too. To minimize muscle loss...eat at a moderate deficit (1/2 pound goal for you)....get enough protein (think of MFP's goal as a minimum)......and do strength (resistance) training. Resistance training is great for losing inches....firms everything up.
  • Tattoolover30
    Tattoolover30 Posts: 5 Member
    I dont choose to eat below 1200 on purpose. Its the foods I eat all amount to under 1200 and then after I exercise I have to try and eat more food...I am the only one in my household eating healthy. Just before starting to lose weight, like around 3 days prior we went to the grocery store so I have all this stuff I would normally eat and now I cant eat....So the foods I have now like sweet snacks and beef ribs, hotdogs etc....I cant eat so that is why I have been under 1200 because I just spent money on groceries that I now have to eliminate in my diet.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I havent cooked any food other than boiling eggs since last week. I mostly have been eating salads and fiber one bars along with fruit. I eat tuna fish and wheat pockets too. Like I said I am new to this and am clearly unaware of what foods I can still eat. Is deli meat ok? Sphaghetti? Baked chicken from a chicken pack at the grocery store? I am really trying to stay positive and not let my depression seep in because of my misunderstanding of how to lose fat properly. Thanks for the help everyone.

    Eat what ever you like, processed foods, whole foods, deli meats, spaghetti etc, just make sure it's under your calorie goal. You can literally eat twinkies or McDonald's everyday and still lose weight (ignoring obvious lack of nutrients).

    If you eat out at restaurants frequently (like me) then you need to get used to the idea that restaurants aren't consistent with the calorie information posted online and on MFP. They are estimates at best and radically change per restaurant. I guarantee Joe the cook is not measuring every ingredient he uses to a T, and may add extra seasonings, oils and butters than the version they used to base the nutrition menu off. Still eat at a restaurant, just be skeptical about calories per serving and maybe estimate on the higher side to be safe.

    Also I strongly recommend not going under 1,200 like the other posters here are saying. Not doing yourself any favors by starving yourself and it can pose serious health risks and permanent damage. Stick to a slow rate of weight loss and enjoy the foods you enjoy. Self control and smarter choices are what make this diet successful.

    Don't be depressed, you're a beautiful person and you'll get your results. Keep healthy and remember to love yourself at the end of the day.
  • PrintedWoman
    Just keep tracking and exercising. Soon you will see more of a change and it will motivate you even more!
    You might need to give yourself 6 months or longer if you want to see a long term change. It takes some time
    but you can do it!
  • Tattoolover30
    Tattoolover30 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok thanks everyone. I guess I will buy one of those portion meal dividers just to make sure I am not eating too much.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    good luck++ You can do it.