Pregnant-who really asks another person



  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I was asked NINE times before I got pregnant with my first if I was pregnant, or when I was due. The worst part was that I was really thin, but I've always had diastasis and carried my weight in my belly. I would get so devastated when people would ask me. I always would spend a day coming up with a comeback, then time would pass, I'd forget and AGAIN would get taken aback when someone would ask me again. Once I had a woman ARGUE with me and insisted I was pregnant. I was nearly in tears in front of her shrieking that I was NOT pregnant!

    Then I did get pregnant, I was asked daily if I was due 'any day now' or having twins. I wasn't. Then I got pregnant with twins, but lost one early on. Still, the questions persisted - "Are you pregnant with twins?' I was so heartbroken. Sometimes I'd just say no, but other times I would tell them I was pregnant with twins but miscarried one.

    People have no idea how hurtful their words can be, even if it seems like an innocent question.

    :( People can be so ignorant and cruel. I'm sorry you went through that!