Want to lose 10 kgs and have a flat belly

Hi everyone!

A little about me to hopefully get the best advice!

i'm a girl and my height is 5'3 and I currently weigh 64kgs/141 lbs. I gained around 7kgs after I started freshman year at college! I want to lose the weight and gain a flat tummy and skinnier legs- or at least close to it by mid-August.

I somehow still am the same dress size but with me the weight goes to my belly and upper thighs + upper arms!

There's so much advice around that I don't know what to follow!

I was thinking of doing insanity since my friend gave me the videos but I was forced to stop it due to muscle strain, particularly to my legs. I might start it again but I want to find better alternatives.

What specifics can you offer?


  • timrpm
    timrpm Posts: 57 Member
    I've done exactly this over the past three months.

    The belly won't lose weight separately from the rest of the body. You need overall fat % reduction.

    It will also take time, lifestyle changes and disciplined workouts, cardio and weights. Consistent measurement of foods and accurate logging.

    The reward is everyone saying how much younger I look and how much better I feel - plus hill running is a heck of a lot easier with 10kg less :)
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    Strength training, cardio, and diet. It's that simple.

    You can't spot-train weight loss. I'm roughly the same height as you and started at a higher HW but lost 21 lbs by a mixture of eating right, strength training, and cardio. If you like videos, I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred- but that's just me.

    Eating right is huge, though, especially if you want to reduce the belly. You can spot-treat a little by avoiding foods/drinks that cause a lot of bloat- soda, salty foods, refined carbs, etc.
  • musicalsmiley30
    musicalsmiley30 Posts: 9 Member
    Strength training, cardio, and diet. It's that simple.

    You can't spot-train weight loss. I'm roughly the same height as you and started at a higher HW but lost 21 lbs by a mixture of eating right, strength training, and cardio. If you like videos, I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred- but that's just me.

    Eating right is huge, though, especially if you want to reduce the belly. You can spot-treat a little by avoiding foods/drinks that cause a lot of bloat- soda, salty foods, refined carbs, etc.

    Hey thank you for replying!

    I understand that diet is huge but between strength training and cardio; which one is more important? I know strength training burns off more fat since muscle burns fat but I get a lot of conflicting advice so...
  • musicalsmiley30
    musicalsmiley30 Posts: 9 Member
    I've done exactly this over the past three months.

    The belly won't lose weight separately from the rest of the body. You need overall fat % reduction.

    It will also take time, lifestyle changes and disciplined workouts, cardio and weights. Consistent measurement of foods and accurate logging.

    The reward is everyone saying how much younger I look and how much better I feel - plus hill running is a heck of a lot easier with 10kg less :)

    hey! I'm glad for you! In terms of consistent measurement of foods how frequently did you eat?
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I'm inclined to say that cardio and weight training are relatively equal in terms of importance, but I train both for two different reasons - lifting is therapy for me and I value being strong, while endurance is vital for martial arts and I enjoy Zombies, Run!.

    I've never done Insanity, but from what I've heard about it, it's namely cardio-esque workouts. Doing a quick search on the product shows it has some bodyweight resistance in there, I think. So I'm thinking you're more so on the fence about strength training, but correct me if I'm wrong!

    Strength training IS beneficial for you and WILL help your fat loss. It will also make sure you have some muscle to show off once you shed the fat that's currently covering it up. Additionally, it helps a lot in terms of long-term health.

    During the beginning of my weight loss, I relied exclusively on weight training (barbell weightlifting and some bodyweight) and diet to lose weight. I lost 10lbs and 10" in 6 weeks. Also, squats make my butt look amazing. From there, I added running in and the weight loss continued.

    You can certainly lose weight through strength training, and adding cardio in on top of that will definitely speed the process - but only if your diet is in line and on track.

    Hope that helps! (Just in case, I'm a gal - and no, lifting heavy will not make you "big". Doesn't work like that, never will. It does, however, give you a fantastic backside and amazing stress relief.)