Herbalife - LiftOff

rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
I was watching weight loss videos on YouTube yesterday and I heard quite a few people mention Herbalife LiftOff was a good energy drink. I've been dragging a lot lately and I wanted to know if anyone had any feedback on this product or any other suggestions.


Oh and I don't take any Herbalife products but I just heard this was a good product for energy so I wanted more info.


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You might be dragging because according to the 3 days you have logged, you are eating way too little.
    Why not simply eat a balanced healthy amount of food so as not to make yourself ill.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    You might be dragging because according to the 3 days you have logged, you are eating way too little.
    Why not simply eat a balanced healthy amount of food so as not to make yourself ill.

    At first I thought this was a snarky reply...then I looked at your diary.
    Geeze girl, eat something! You are supposed eat your calorie goal, not be 1000 under!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I was watching weight loss videos on YouTube yesterday and I heard quite a few people mention Herbalife LiftOff was a good energy drink. I've been dragging a lot lately and I wanted to know if anyone had any feedback on this product or any other suggestions.


    Oh and I don't take any Herbalife products but I just heard this was a good product for energy so I wanted more info.

    If you don't take any Herbalife products why did you log them many tmes in your food diary on here?
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I was watching weight loss videos on YouTube yesterday and I heard quite a few people mention Herbalife LiftOff was a good energy drink. I've been dragging a lot lately and I wanted to know if anyone had any feedback on this product or any other suggestions.


    Oh and I don't take any Herbalife products but I just heard this was a good product for energy so I wanted more info.

    If you don't take any Herbalife products why did you log them many tmes in your food diary on here?

  • MlleDee
    MlleDee Posts: 90 Member
    I don't really do energy drinks, but if you are interested you should probably check out the ingredients. I have included a short list of other popular energy options.

    HerbaLife Liftoff® contains caffeine, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, guarana, and taurine,

    Rockstar Energy® contains caffeine, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, guarana, and milk thistle extract

    5 hour Energy ® contains caffeine, taurine, mix of B vitamins, tyrosine, glucuronolactone, phenylalanine, and citicoline

    Red Bull Energy Drinks® contains caffeine, taurine, and a mix of B-Vitamins

    Here is a great website discussing what these ingredients are/do: http://www.caffeineinformer.com/energy-drink-ingredients
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    I started Herbalife that same day I posted this message; I went to an Herbalife Club and was told that LiftOff was good for energy but it would suppress my hunger greatly so I decided to not go with it. I decided to start the shake in the mornings early for breakfast and I actually feel good.

    As far as logging my food I log the food in the morning and I end up eating more than what I put in my journal I just don't log it.

    The reason I think I've been dragging is because I was on antibiotics (Flagyl) for 6 months and on Spiro for 2 months all prescribed by my dermatologist. I should still be taking them but I got off of them myself because I feel this is affecting my energy badly and I've gained over 20lbs since I started these meds.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    You might be dragging because according to the 3 days you have logged, you are eating way too little.
    Why not simply eat a balanced healthy amount of food so as not to make yourself ill.

    I'm actually eating more than I post on my journal but I don't completely log my food.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    I was watching weight loss videos on YouTube yesterday and I heard quite a few people mention Herbalife LiftOff was a good energy drink. I've been dragging a lot lately and I wanted to know if anyone had any feedback on this product or any other suggestions.


    Oh and I don't take any Herbalife products but I just heard this was a good product for energy so I wanted more info.

    If you don't take any Herbalife products why did you log them many tmes in your food diary on here?

    I started Herbalife the same day I posted this message because I went to an Herbalife Club.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Instead of wasting money on Herbalife, use it instead to buy lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy carbs. I went to their website and it wouldn't give me prices unless I gave them my contact information (always a bad sign), but this stuff has to be expensive. Learning to make lifestyle changes that you can stick with is much more sustainable.

    And it's pointless to bother logging if you're not going to log everything you actually ate. Logging in the morning is fine, but if you eat anything else, make sure to go back later in the day and update it. Otherwise, it's going to be impossible to track your progress and spot problems, because you won't have the complete picture of what you've been eating.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    Instead of wasting money on Herbalife, use it instead to buy lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy carbs. I went to their website and it wouldn't give me prices unless I gave them my contact information (always a bad sign), but this stuff has to be expensive. Learning to make lifestyle changes that you can stick with is much more sustainable.

    And it's pointless to bother logging if you're not going to log everything you actually ate. Logging in the morning is fine, but if you eat anything else, make sure to go back later in the day and update it. Otherwise, it's going to be impossible to track your progress and spot problems, because you won't have the complete picture of what you've been eating.

    Very true, when I started MFP back in 2012 and lost over 60 lbs I actually did log all my food but since I just started getting back to it I get pretty lazy about finishing off my day by saying "Oh no it's just 100 extra calories" or so but you're right it's going to be impossible to track my progress and problems if I don't stay on top of it.

    Thank you everyone for your feedback and suggestions! :)
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    They are basically Berocca with caffiene
  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    The first time I've heard of liftoff is from a girl who gets the inspiration from a PRO ANA website. Basically she thought this product could keep her full for a whole day without eating anything.......
    My gut feelings tell me you shouldnt use this thing.....
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Strong first post.