Should I Feel Ashamed? :(



  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    Don't be ashamed. Good for you for even sticking with it and trying a new program. You will still see results too even if you don't finish it completely in the first weeks. You are building stamina, muscle and endurance - that all takes calories and boosts metabolism. Keep up the hard work and it will get easier. :)
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    There is absolutely no shame in getting out there and trying something new. You've got this! You CAN do it. Make sure you listen to your body and don't give up. Do something that you enjoy. If that's running, then keep at it. If you aren't enjoying it, find something you DO enjoy. :) You go, girl. :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    No you shouldn't be ashamed. However it does sound that at the moment maybe C25K isn't right. It's not for everyone. I would suggest before anyone starts it can you walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace comfortably 3 or 4 times a week? By your post it sounds like you've only been walking significantly on the past two weeks. You really need to be able to do this before starting the program otherwise it can be demoralising. Maybe consider walking for a few weeks to build up your endurance then restart C25k with that base. Also another mistake people make when they start running is they try to run too fast. Run slow even if it's slower than your walking pace you should in reality be able to hold a conversation.

    You should be proud of your achievements so far Good luck. Just to add last May I could hardly walk up a hill I was 333 pounds. I never used C25K but did my own run walk program. Now I average running 40 to 50 miles most weeks and tonight I'm off on an 8 miler. If I can do it anyone can
  • jtrack3d
    jtrack3d Posts: 91
    Holy Crap, you should be proud. The key is not to give up.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    Do not feel ashamed - this process is totally normal! Good for you for giving it a shot, and keep at it. I felt the same way when I first started the C25K program, but now I am training for a 10K race and running is my LIFE. I do it everyday for the mental, and emotional benefits. Nevermind what it's done for my fitness! :happy:

    Just listen to your body and do what you can. Repeat days if you need to, walk more if you need to, just keep putting your foot to floor and don't give up! Progress will happen if you really apply yourself and be patient. :flowerforyou:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    So today was day 2 of my C25K program. Day one I couldn't finish all of the runs (only bout 2 or 3...?) but walked briskly throughout the entire 30 minutes when I wasn't running.

    That's great! Repeat it a few times until you can complete all of the runs, and do the running a bit slower.

    A tip about C25K programs? I know a couple of other people have mentioned this, but if a week gets too hard, go back to the previous week, repeat that, and then move forward. So, if you are struggling a lot at week 7, on your 8th week, go back and do week 6 again. Then on week 9, do week 7. Then move on to 8, 9, etc.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    yea the mere fact that your going to try it again is a reason to NOT be ashamed.. it can be fustrating if you feel like you should be better than you are..

    When i hit hurdles like that I ask myself....whats the hurry? Is there a deadline im missing here?

    Keep at it and youll be surprised how quick you progress.
  • JessicaWhosit
    Wow :) I'm really surprised at all of the responses here. Thank you all so much for the motivation. It really means a lot to me.
  • jasminecoco
    jasminecoco Posts: 50 Member
    Don't let any negative thoughts impact you.
    Only positive motivations are good for your progress.

    I suggest that you take it slow, make a small improvement every time.
    Most importantly, listen to your body! If your body says "keep going, I think I can do better", then run more on that day.
    If your body is tired and you feel out of breath and cramps, it's definitely the time to stop.

    Again, be patient and cheerful.

    I started running a few months ago. I was never a runner. I started with 3 minutes, then 5 minutes, then 10 then 20. Now I can run 45 minutes. You don't necessarily have to run, try elliptical or climbing stairs for a change? They also have less impact on your knees.
  • michielyn
    michielyn Posts: 47 Member
    Repeat it and don't worry about it. I am only W2D3 and have had to repeat a couple. It happens.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    So today was day 2 of my C25K program. Day one I couldn't finish all of the runs (only bout 2 or 3...?) but walked briskly throughout the entire 30 minutes when I wasn't running.
    Today I finished I think five of them but by that point I was so tired and so out of breath I turned directions home and had to sit on the stoop for a bit to cool down. I'm dedicated, but my body just felt like it couldn't continue.
    I plan on doing day three on Thursday and repeating week one because obviously I wouldn't stand a chance on week two yet...Just, how abnormal is it to feel so exhausted?

    A little about me:

    I've never been a runner.
    I weigh about 250 lbs
    I'm 21 and have only started walking/running regularly very recently.
    I've been walking 1-2 miles a day for the last week or so.

    noooo.. your going out being active and getting out of your comfort zone.

    when you go to the breaking point its when you should feel your proudest sense of accomplishment bro!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Don't let any negative thoughts impact you.
    Only positive motivations are good for your progress.

    I suggest that you take it slow, make a small improvement every time.
    Most importantly, listen to your body! If your body says "keep going, I think I can do better", then run more on that day.
    If your body is tired and you feel out of breath and cramps, it's definitely the time to stop.

    Again, be patient and cheerful.

    I started running a few months ago. I was never a runner. I started with 3 minutes, then 5 minutes, then 10 then 20. Now I can run 45 minutes. You don't necessarily have to run, try elliptical or climbing stairs for a change? They also have less impact on your knees.

    ^thats solid advice.. you have to condition yourself or your knees and ankles will start giving you grief.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    No worries. Even seasoned runners have trouble sometimes completing runs when they start a new program. It gets easier. Just keep at it, and in a few weeks you'll look back at all the progress you've made and be super proud of yourself for not giving up!
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Ashamed? Hell no. We all started somewhere, some better, some worse. Keep at it and be proud that you are doing something for you.
  • Always_Belle
    Always_Belle Posts: 73 Member
    No shame...if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Those who keep running enjoy it and it gives them a feeling of accomplishment. Keep going!
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I should add as well...

    A couple of weeks in, I developed a terrible case of runner's knee. Instead of being stubborn and running through the pain, which would have injured me and possibly stopped me from running altogether, I did some research and took care of myself. I learned some foam rolling techniques and a proper stretching routine, and purchased a knee compression sleeve. I made sure to ice and rest after every run. Over time the pain became less and less and eventually (once my technique improved) I could run like the wind, pain-free.

    If you're body is telling you something serious - LISTEN. It doesn't have to be the end of the world. :smile:
  • Foxywake
    Foxywake Posts: 18 Member
    You have made the decision to turn your life around and so that is something to be so proud of... well done....
    I have literally just started the C25K also and have just finished Week 1, Day 3. A colleague of mine has lost 6 stone (84lbs) by starting from nothing and now runs marathons and competes in triathlons. She gave me the motivation to try and it and on day 1 I thought I am gonna finish this if it kills me.... on Day 2 I thought ... this is gonna kill me!!!, however on Day 3 my shins hurt like crazy for the first 10 mins and then seemed to get a little easier...
    I am nearly 46 years old and weigh 225 pounds and do a Zumba class three times a week, but want to compete in a local Race for Life 5k charity run for Cancer in 8 weeks time, so am determined to keep going and do the best I can.
    Keep motivated and determined and you can achieve anything at all....
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    You went outside and did your best, what's to be ashamed of?! You should be proud of yourself.

    When I started Couch to 5k I honestly couldn't run for 30 seconds, and now I run half-marathons and 10 mile obstacle races. Your body will amaze you with what it can learn to do, but it takes the mental strength to go even when you're tired or uncomfortable.

    You made a decision to take control of your health, and then when you felt bad about yourself you didn't just give up you asked for advice. You're going to kick *kitten*. :)
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    I felt the same way when I first tried c25k
    I repeated several weeks.
    No worries!