Another New Girl :)

Soo yea, I am really trying hard to get some weight off. I have lost about 2 pounds so far so yay! Unfortunately, from what I understand, it won't come off this easy for long. I tend to get discouraged very easily, even if I have lost some weight and I have a bad day for calories I will get really upset with myself and then end up giving in to cravings much easier because by then I think, 'what's the point, it'll never happen.' I'm trying harder than I ever have before and I even have my husband and 2 year old helping me out in any way they can, my husband promised to eat what I eat so I'm not tempted by him eating something bad and my son does my exercises with me which is really cute. Despite all this, I know the day will come when I will just want to quit and give up. I really want to stay with this because I want to be able to go play football and sports with my husband and son without getting out of breath or slowing everyone down (they say they don't mind but I know I do) Any words of wisdom? And, does anyone have any good ideas for snacks throughout the day that are very little to no calories??


  • DJKimE
    DJKimE Posts: 9 Member
    Hi and welcome. I'm new too! A lot of times I just want to eat cause I'm bored. I find that eating sunflower seeds helps. I takes me a while to eat them and even if I'm snacking for 30 min I'm not consuming that many calories. Plus they're pretty healthy for you. Drink a large glass of water before every meal or snack. Also cut up fruit in small pieces and eat it slowly.
  • KatrinkaB
    KatrinkaB Posts: 11 Member
    As "they" say, I feel your pain. It is a tough road of SELF discipline. To which I am terrible at. It does help to have the support of your hubby. Do it together, hold each other accountable. My husband has joined MFP against his will at 1st, but he has taken to it and now has a friend doing it. This is a great tool if you will use it. I am a bit slack at logging my meals, especially on the weekends. But, I can see where logging is essential in my success. I am reminded of hearing on the biggest loser that the most successful contestants keep food diaries.

    Take it one day at a time; if you can't make it one day at a time....take it one hour at a time. Good luck!!
  • spencemr
    spencemr Posts: 4 Member
    Drinking a big glass of water is a really good tip. Do that every time you feel hungry or snackish. A lot of times we think we feel hungry when we're actually thirsty. Plus, the water takes up a little room in your stomach so you won't eat as much. Don't buy the junk food...if it's not in the house you won't eat it. Don't totally deprive yourself of the food you like. All that does is makes you want it more and makes it harder to resist, plus you feel deprived and therefore unhappy...for a lot of us, unhappy leads to eating. If you go to fast food restaraunts, go for a kids meal.

    The biggest thing is, don't beat yourself up if you have a bad calorie day, or if you go all weekend without logging meals, or if you don't see results right away. It's best to measure yourself. Don't rely on the scale. If you exercise and start building muscle, you may not see results on the scale because muscle and fat weigh about the same (some say muscle weighs more) so as you replace the fat with muscle it may not register on the scale but maybe your arms start looking a little more toned, or you lose an inch or two off your waist...those are all signs of progress...much more accurate than the scale. Don't give up on this...if it doesn't happen as fast as you want it to...that doesn't mean it won't happen at all.