Stop sweet cravings??

amaexo Posts: 12 Member
Hi everyone! I am so terrible for always needing something sweet (and fruit just doesnt seem to cut it) after my lunch and dinner meals.. I've always grown up in a household where we had a dessert after lunch and dinner (especially dinner). I also always get a really bad 2 o'clock sugar craving. The last two days I have opted for high sugar, high calorie chocolate covered almonds. And let me tell you, it's impossible to each "just a few".... What are some healthier options or tricks for trying to curb those cravings???


  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I don't remember having serious sugar cravings in the past, but I do know that one method for me to stop eating when I'm satisfied is to leave the table and brush my teeth. Food just loses its appeal when my mouth tastes like Crest. :)
  • amaexo
    amaexo Posts: 12 Member
    That's a great idea!! But, it's harder when I'm bored at the office, stuck at my desk all day...
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    My office has mouthwash in the bathroom. I could email ya some. :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I tend to chew gum after my meals. I allow myself candy, but want to eat ALL the candy. So a little candy and then some gum helps me not blow my calories all after lunch.
  • sneaks
    sneaks Posts: 19
    Eat low GI stuff and more protein which means you won't get the crashes after eating which then cause you to crave.

    In the evenings I also have things like low cal hot chocolate to replace the bag of maltesers I used to get through.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Hi everyone! I am so terrible for always needing something sweet (and fruit just doesnt seem to cut it) after my lunch and dinner meals.. I've always grown up in a household where we had a dessert after lunch and dinner (especially dinner). I also always get a really bad 2 o'clock sugar craving. The last two days I have opted for high sugar, high calorie chocolate covered almonds. And let me tell you, it's impossible to each "just a few".... What are some healthier options or tricks for trying to curb those cravings???

    Well first off I'd ask if you indulge in those sugar cravings do you then have difficulty hitting your daily calorie goal while remaining satisfied?
  • Clarifications
    I feel like cravings only come when you want something you
    Cant have. The only 2 ways to fix this IMO,
    1. Eat whatever you want,sweets,fried food,basically
    Anything as long as it's in moderation and fits into your goals
    2. Never eat these things. You won't crave a cookie
    If you never eat them in the first place.
    Know how many people in Uganda are craving McDonalds
    And ice cream right now?
  • bergpa
    bergpa Posts: 148 Member
    I've found that I tend to crave the foods that I eat regularly. When I drastically cut back on sugar, I stopped craving sweets within a few weeks. Now a lot of the foods that I used to enjoy taste too sweet to me.
  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    My suggestion is to ignore the cravings and you'll find that they go away after a period of time. For me that is around 2 weeks.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    I always have trouble kicking the sugar when I start buckling down again. I agree with the earlier comments about brushing your teeth, mouthwash, and gum. I actually keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in my desk drawer for when my thoughts about food start interfering with my ability to think about my work!

    It also helps to know that it does get better over time. The first couple of weeks are really hard and take a lot of willpower. Gut it out and it does get easier over time!
  • sneaks
    sneaks Posts: 19
    If you find you're craving directly after a meal, just wait 15 mins for the sugar from that meal to hit your blood stream and you won't crave anymore.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Hi everyone! I am so terrible for always needing something sweet (and fruit just doesnt seem to cut it) after my lunch and dinner meals.. I've always grown up in a household where we had a dessert after lunch and dinner (especially dinner). I also always get a really bad 2 o'clock sugar craving. The last two days I have opted for high sugar, high calorie chocolate covered almonds. And let me tell you, it's impossible to each "just a few".... What are some healthier options or tricks for trying to curb those cravings???

    it is completely possible to eat just a few. i counted out fourteen pieces (1 serving) of dark chocolate covered acai berries for a snack. i have the whole rest of the bag with me for the week.

    if you want to have dessert, allow for it in your daily consumption. pre-log your meals the night before.
  • Rengaldoll
    Rengaldoll Posts: 16 Member
    I totally hear you! It's this habit to munch on something sweet after these major meals. I guess it's best to either avoid sweets by drinking naturally sweet teas - Starbucks Tazo Sweet Cinnamon Spice or to have just a small taste of sweet - limiting dark chocolate to 2 or 3 squares. I mostly battle boredom at work so I need keep up on drinking water and keeping my tea replenished. I haven't really solved this issue - if I do get M&M's (and give into the craving) I make sure I log it and do better tomorrow.
  • marisarinde
    marisarinde Posts: 54
    I get the worst craving for ice cream all the time, it's so bad. One thing that helps me is, like other people have said, brushing your teeth. Also not keeping those foods in the house helps me. And try drinking a tall glass of water, then see if your craving has gone away. If you still want, have some! Don't over-indulge, but I don't think anyone should deprive themselves, either. The key is portion control. Have what you want, but not a lot, and balance it with a good exercise regimen and add other healthy foods. Hope this helps!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I indulge in something small, like a mini Reese's cup or fun size kit kat bar. My office also has one of those candy machines that takes a quarter and gives you like 15 m&ms. All those help me out. Oh, and I have a buddy that keeps the fun size chocolate for me. That way if I want it, I actually have to get up, leave my desk, interrupt my work, interrupt HIS work, to get it. It makes me that much less likely to eat 20 little candy bars.
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    I'm the same way. Here's some of the things I do:

    Low cal ice cream bars. I have 40 cal mini fudgesicles and 80 cal mini sandwiches.
    Chocolate bars that come in squares and have 3 or 4.


    You just reserve the cals and eat it guilt free even if it is 150+ cals.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I have still never beat the sugar cravings, I just go with them and find a way to satisfy them!

    I love Jello sugar free pudding, the dark chocolate is awesome with a dollop of Cool Whip on top. Cut up strawberries with Stevia on top are really sweet. Edy's makes those frozen fruit bars that are really sweet with low-ish calories. Sometimes I'll just eat some cotton candy, low in calories and you can eat a lot for under 100 calories. Yeah it's all sugar but once in a while that's ok.

    Believe it or not, a blended protein shake with unsweetened coconut milk, vanilla protein powder, frozen pineapple and a squirt of Dasani Drops pineapple coconut is like drinking a piña colada, low calorie and healthy and full of protein. Or sometimes I'll just eat a chocolate peanut butter protein bar and I feel like I'm eating a candy bar.
  • fitmomhappymom
    fitmomhappymom Posts: 171 Member
    I am a serious sweets junkie. To wean myself off daily candies and ice creams I've started substituting sweet treats for the following:
    -A cup of sliced strawberries, 1 cup of grapes, 2 table spoons whipped mixed berry cream cheese (less than 100 calories and a full serving of fruit)
    -a pack of Dole cocoa covered bananas (100 calories for 4 slices)
    -bite size snickers (50 calories each, usually put 1 in my packed lunch and eat after my lunch to make my body THINK I’m binging on sugar.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    That's a great idea!! But, it's harder when I'm bored at the office, stuck at my desk all day...

    Keep a small bag in your desk drawer. (The first class/business class travel toiletry bags handed out by airlines are great for this if you know someone who might have a few.) In it keep a toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clippers, tweezers, and other small items. It will make work a lot more pleasant for you.

    Find something that is creamy and you can suck on to savor the flavor. Don't go for crunchy, it's gone too fast. Individually wrapped Godiva truffles could be a good option.
  • amaexo
    amaexo Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for all the tips, everyone!! Burhsing teeth, chewing gum and/or finding a healthier sweet alternative (thank you for the suggestions!) while not depriving myself now and then bingeing later. That'll be the plan.