Hello - another noob here!

marmain Posts: 25 Member
Been here for a week, so I guess it is time to introduce myself! :happy:

I'm an adult congenital heart patient, and I've spent most of my life using that as an excuse to do very little in terms of exercise. Though my 20s, my weight stayed pretty close to 200 without me having to do anything. Once I hit 30 though, it began creeping up more and more. At my highest known weight, I was 253 lbs.

My birthday was the end of March. I suddenly had the full realization of what I was seeing myself up for, when my mom called to wish me happy birthday, and said that I was now the age she was when she was diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer run rampant in my family, and I'm just not mentally ready to be the next one in line for that.

Less then a week later, I got on my treadmill and I've been doing that ever since. I joined here because, despite the exercise, I wasn't seeing any progress on the scale and was losing some of the mojo that was keeping me going.

Anywho, that's my story. I may get brave and upload a photo soon. Still in my "get that camera away from me" phase.


  • shrianna
    shrianna Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there!
    I'm new to this too! Well, I should say, I've been "off & on" this MFP.
    I wish you the best in your journey.!:smile: