Endomorphs I need your help!!!

I weigh 238lbs... and 5'4, 20 year old.
- 3 days a week and doing 30-40 minutes of cardio..
- 3 days a week doing 30 minutes workout with dumbbells (15 and 20lb)

My diet is usually

Breakfast: 2 eggs, some spinage and a piece of toast.

Lunch: Mediterranean salad with low cal dressing.

Dinner: 4(roughly) ounces of meat, a cup of veggies, and maybe a potato.

I try to drink 2 full glasses of water a day.

I am an endomorph:
- I gain muscle easily.
- I eat healthy and watch my calories to about 1,500 - 1,800 a day.
- Carbs are my worst enemie
- Weight loss is extremely slow
- Stop exercising for less than a week and all my weight comes back.

If I stop doing any of these things, weight comes back on even worse than before!!

I feel stuck because if I try something and I see no results.... my body will put on weight if I stop.


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Without seeing your diary, we really do not know what to advise you with in the food area.

    Be sure to accurate log your food intake using a food scale. Weight is a more accurate measurement than volume for calorie counting.

    You need to find your numbers. Your BMR, your TDEE without exercise, your body fat percentage and your body fat percentage goal (used to find your weight goal).

    Do you eat back your exercise calories? If so, how many? Eating back around only half is recommended.

    Do you eat back exercise calories from weight training? If so, how many? Most people do not, as weight training is for toning rather than calorie expenditure.

    Carbs do not matter unless you have some sort of disease or condition that makes them bad for you.

    The ONLY thing we can really advise you on given the information you gave is that you are drinking WAY too little water. You should be having around 8 full glasses, not 2.