My husband

I JUST got my husband to sign on to MyFitness PaL.. He has at least 70lbs to loose. We go back and forth joking about how much stuff is calorie wise, but I am a girl and dont have that much to loose. I was wondering if any GUYS out there looking to loose about 60lbs or more can friend him. He isnt into the whole friend thing and I dont know if he will be - he is into Facebook really. But ya never know. I just dont want him to get discouraged or feel alone. Im just very glad he finally wanted to try something I actually suggested.

His sign on is jaco6552.. he doesnt have a picture there yet.


  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    I requested him as a friend. He really needs to get on here and do it himself though. The key is to be involved, track daily, and hold himself accountable.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I requested him as a friend. He really needs to get on here and do it himself though. The key is to be involved, track daily, and hold himself accountable.

    Yup what RMX said :) My hubby does this through me....he doesn't need to lose, but he tracks right along side (adds an extra helping for himself) he eats real healthy and we shop together.......Love having the hubby with me....even here :bigsmile: