Annyoing skinny friend

Hi II have been a member for awhile but never really posted. I just needed to vent and maybe get some advice on how to deal with my friends annoying comments. Recently we went on a vegas trip together. Before the trip we both were working out and eating right as to look our best for the trip! Well for 3 months I worked with a personal trainer, ate right etc. She did the same things however she spent 3 hours at the gym because she is a stay at home mom to teenagers. Anyway she lost 20lbs and I was totally happy for her. She is 5'3" and went from 165 to 145. She has also had a tummy tuck a year ago so she looks totally FAB!! I am 5'6 and currently 180 I did not loose a thing and I am not sure why. I think my body just doesnt want to let go so easy this time around!

The annoying part is that I had to sit and listen to her talk about feeling fat looking fat etc and constatly looking in the mirror. I hate when skinny people sit and complain about being fat I felt like she was trying to be snotty to me. After our vegas trip I ended up visiting her at her home for awhile. While there she got up and made us breakfast of bacon eggs toast etc. I told her that tomorrow I would be getting back into the habit of eating clean. So that next morning I got up cut fresh pineapple and made a spinach omlete cut it in half and served her breakfast. She then proceeds to tell me she doesnt eat in the mornings ususally just a yogurt but she would eat it because I made it. Ok ....then we were eating dinner and her daughter was talking about her brother getting his feelings hurt if anyone says he is fat. I made the comment that my son is the same way but my son is a husky boy and hopefully since he is so active he will grow out of it once he hits puberty. My friend then turns to me and says " well he is just like his mom he is an emotional eater" WTH I have not been around my friend very long other than our vegas trip ( we live in different cities) and now here at her house where we ate the exact same things!! Anyway I feel like a pig in front of her now because she NEVER eats except for dinner where after a few bites she begins to complain that she is full. But I have to eat!! I have 3 more days at her house how do I deal with her snide comments do I just keep ignoring it all?


  • miz_ppyn
    miz_ppyn Posts: 118 Member
    grin and bear it? and just before you leave tell her how you feel about her snarkyness...I personally would not give a second chance to so called friends like that you dont need negativity and you certainly dont need some one in your life that takes pot shots at your child.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Sounds like her issues are with herself, not you. Sounds like she's hangry! She's obviously lost weight by going on a VLCD, which has resulted in her not being able to talk about anything else.

    Just ignore it and move on. Once you get home you may wish to re-assess your friendship.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Hi 4ever , I just checked, and found that your "skinny" friend with a height of 5'3" and weight of 145 actually has a BMI right in the middle of the overweight category, (according to the website). I know that's not the issue you are venting about but I am saying maybe besides being annoying and snarky, she also isn't that enviable either. And also I sympathize, I am sorry the trip hasn't been the fun you were expecting.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    She is not intentionally being snotty to you. Sounds like she is struggling with some inner issues and does not realize how she comes across. I've BEEN that annoying skinny friend without realizing it at the time. I used to get anxiety eating around people and feeling pressured, sounds like she does too & that's her issue not yours. I've since gained weight and am not the annoying skinny friend anymore, but I'd still like to time travel and smack myself for constantly complaining about being fat.The emotional eater comment was pretty uncalled for and rude though :/.
  • moondazed
    moondazed Posts: 73 Member
    It sounds like she has an eating disorder or is dealing with her own issues. I used to be the same way around my best friend. Although I was in a healthy weight range, I couldn't help but put myself down constantly. I often ended up in tears just from looking at my body or thinking about it around her. I really could not help it. My friend reacted in a similar way that you are now. We talked about it though and she helped me overcome the disorder!
    Nevertheless it is unfortunate and I'm sorry that your stay was not as you hoped.

    I strongly advise you to sit your friend down and have a chat with her! If she is struggling with an ED, she may just need someone to talk to or help her get through it!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Other than the comment about your son being an emotional eater like his mum, she didn't make any comments about you or your weight, she was talking about her issues, you just interpreted that as her calling you fat...
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh no!!!! Your friend sounds like a madam, And she obviously has her own eating problems & weight issues herself!

    If this was me, I would just enjoy the next couple of days & do things you enjoy together! Make the most of it.

    Try not to talk about food around her, as its obviously a problem for her.

    Sounds like even though your friend has lost all that weight, She is still not her in HERSELF!

    Good luck