Help! Give me ideas for exercise with no equipment!

I work nightshirt in other peoples homes. It can get quite long and boring.
Wondering if u could help me with ideas on exercises i can do.
I do have small hand weights, tile floor that I can put a blanket down,
A bare wall, etc.

Thanks :)


  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Well you can do some simple body weight exercises, Push Ups, Squats, weightless(or weighted lunges). I like weightless squats, you can still get a good workout, and create your own depth - and best of all no spotter! Lol. Also, for options you can use a nice sturdy wall to slowly lower yourself downward(sliding) pausing at the bottom(squat like position) then come back up.

    Or... even simply Trunk like twist for your abdomen, where you kinda keep a straight form and what's the word... Kind of robot your body(haha) twisting your upper body from the abdomen and twisting to one side, then another, keeping abdomen tight and inhaling and exhaling.

    Also do a few kick ups, same sort of idea.. Stand shoulder/legs width apart(to a comfortable stance) and lift your right knee upward to your adjacent left arm and almost(or so) touch your elbow to the cap, and reverse the other side and kind of get an upward crunch going.

    Even stretching exercises are nice..

    Maybe a plank, kind of like the base of a push up, except instead of your body weight on your shoulders/lats and wrist, you kind of do a tuck and roll position.. without the rolling, and have your feet together pointed downward(on tip toes - like pushup) and your body parallel, then you rest your body weight on your elbows(forearms can be flat) and you tighten and hold that position.

    Another is the simple art of raising ones leg, Lol. Just go on all fours, and extend your leg backward(like kicking back) and go as deep, in or far out as you like for a burn.

    Ummmm, if you do have a chair, a fireplace mantle, or something off floor level you can do advanced pushups, or tricep dips, where you grasp the edge of something and keep your shoulders width comfortable and lower yourself as far as you can comfortably, without straining or locking elbows.

    That's all I can think of atm... other suggestions are good. Lol.
  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    jumping jacks, pretend jump rope, all the workouts from elementary school. Also you can go on youtube, they have some good none gym workouts on there
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Hmm, not sure what kind of work you're doing, but if you have the ability, you could just walk in place while pumping your arms with the free weights...while watching tv. I do this during the day sometimes when I really can't go out. I just try to keep up a quick pace, with actually moving front to back, side to side, and keep switching things up. If you do this right, you can work up a sweat :)

    I just think that if you can't watch something it'll be really boring since it is a longer exercise.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    body weight circuit training... a 5 mins google search will result in thousands of programs for you to choose from. I do the beginner circuit on because it is basically right at my level of fitness. check out a bunch and figure out which is best suited to you and your level of fitness. good luck!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    The MFP has jogging on the spot in their exercise database - that burns a reasonable number of calories too.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I agree on Jumping Jacks, you can do there almost anywhere and for any amount of time. I know when I started to exercise when I was 17 or so, I used jumping jacks to lose about 20-30 pounds. I started with like 5 minutes.. No, make that like 50 jumping jacks, LOL. Depending on your fitness level and your attention span you can spice it up by either counting the number you do, how many minutes you've done it for(I did minutes) and when you can do it to a song, and check the length of that song and if its Eminem then you are doing good! (his songs are easy 5-6 mins long, Lol).
    And if you can only do a short set, stop and do some interval stuff, a few push ups, stretching - as someone suggested jogging on the spot. Spice it up. :)
    On a plus note, you feel super light afterward!
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks everyone for the ideas! I have been doing a few of these and really appreciate the suggestions! Sometimes your brain gets in a funk and I couldn't think of what else to do, duh.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    it's as simple as an MP3 w/some jamming music to dance, dance, dance to :bigsmile:
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    Is there any stairs everytime I need to go upstairs I walk up and down 5 times