I am new and love this site!

I love this website. It is so helpful. I want to lose 24 pounds. It doesnt sound like all that much but for some reason it has been VERY hard for me to get the weight to come off. Thats why I love this site because now I will know for sure if its my diet or lack of exercise. This site is so motivating because it lets me know if I am on the right track or slipping everyday that I do my logs. So cool!! LOVE IT! If you would like to be a friend just send me a request. I am open to any tips and motivation you may have. Also if u are in the same situation as me and need vent, I am here :) I know its hard and I know its frustrating!!!


  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Am new too! Have lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks, using shapeup to track calories on my iPhone but say myfitnesspal mentioned on a blog and, as it was free, thought I would give it a go. I like it so far!

    And I like that I can add my own foods via the app.
  • BlutAura
    Welcome and enjoy your time here :) There are a lot of friendly people that helped me when I first joined and its a great motivational community here.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    welcome to MFP. i agree, this site is great. keeps me focused or at least in the know.