Im new Atkins or low carb diet

Hello my name is Alisha. I am doing the Atkins or low carb diet. I was wondering if anyone knew how to set up your settings for low carb count as with this diet i do not have to count my calories if i am understanding correctly.


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I have no idea. I manually made up my own Macro of 30% carbs 40%protein and 30% fats.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hello my name is Alisha. I am doing the Atkins or low carb diet. I was wondering if anyone knew how to set up your settings for low carb count as with this diet i do not have to count my calories if i am understanding correctly.

    That's assuming that the satiety of the diet achieves a caloric deficit, which isn't always the case.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Hello my name is Alisha. I am doing the Atkins or low carb diet. I was wondering if anyone knew how to set up your settings for low carb count as with this diet i do not have to count my calories if i am understanding correctly.

    If you want to really do Atkins, buy his book and skip the Atkins brand products (candy bars and the like). Atkins plan calls for an induction phase with very low carbs, followed by a gradual increase of carbs on roughly a weekly basis (5g/carb/week). As for protein, set your protein goals based on your lean body mass (something like 0.7-.8g/lb of LBM, a bit more if you're lifting).
    i do not have to count my calories if i am understanding correctly.

    The reason they say that is because most people who eat this type of diet will naturally eat less food because they won't feel hungry nearly as often. Low carb diets are very satiating and they eliminate many calorically dense snack/dessert foods that people struggle with, so some people find they can lose weight simply by following the diet. That said, it doesn't mean that you can eat 4000 calories/day and expect to lose weight just because you're on a low carb diet. If you naturally find yourself eating 1200-1600 calories/day, then you're probably fine to not track calories very closely. If you find you're one of those people that can eat all the foods, even on a low carb diet, then you're best bet is to continue tracking calories. And at the end of the day, you need to be logging your food to track your carbs/protein, so you might as well track calories too. It's literally no extra effort.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    I do hope that Atkins works for you because I know that it has worked for some people. I tend toward eating low carb asa rule but, not strictly Atkins. It's not sustainable for me because I know I will want some starches and sugars in my diet and with Atkins... I tried it with some success but, after month 2, I was done.

    I've found that following MFP calorie guidelines and reducing carbs is a very easy to keep within my daily goals. I don't eat bread, potatoes , rice and dessert in one meal; I've had to learn to make choices. If I'm going to have a slice of apple pie, I make sure not to have starch at dinner.

    Good luck!
  • MsAnnThropy
    MsAnnThropy Posts: 16 Member
    Agreeing with ACG and Park here. Sadly, you do have to count calories too. The idea though is that the amount of fat and protien means you are more satiated than if you had eaten the same amount in carbs. That said, I find I can "get away with" around 100 - 200 calories more a day as long as I dont do it all the time, but Im only doing it to maintain.

    Is there a group on here for "support and motivation" for Atkins and low carb dieters? I dont know enough about the site to set one up but I'd appreciate it. Ive been on Atkins for four weeks now (in phase two now) and I am having dreadful problems with exhaustion. My blood pressure was low when I started (60/86) and I find that when I work out I almost PASS out. Eating lots of salt, and drinking lots of water but its getting worse not better. Any helpful advice appreciated!
  • tlh2661
    tlh2661 Posts: 3 Member
    There is a group called Low Carb Daily Forum that I just joined. :smile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hello my name is Alisha. I am doing the Atkins or low carb diet. I was wondering if anyone knew how to set up your settings for low carb count as with this diet i do not have to count my calories if i am understanding correctly.

    You can change your goals for carbs, fat, protien, etc. by going to My Home, Goals, Change Goals. You can't remove calories, but you can change the percents/amounts of other things.
  • jodyrew
    jodyrew Posts: 6
    Is Atkins working out for you? Personally, I'm on Paleo and I don't have to worry about my carb count. There's just the specific food that I can eat. And because of this, I'm not just losing weight, but I feel healthy. I know it can be a pain adjusting to your diet (along with all the diet plan.) Hopefully you'll be able to get used to it in due time. :)