The struggle is real...

Two years ago I used this site to go from a not-so-slender 325 lbs, which was the most I had ever weight before, and managed to battle down to 260 lbs. It wasn't my goal weight, but it was an amazing accomplishment. I felt proud and worked extremely hard to get there. Since then, I had a big life change that caused me to uproot my life and I fell off track at a point that I should have been more dedicated than ever.

This Memorial Day weekend, I looked at pictures of myself in a bathing suit and felt embarrassed of what I saw. My clothes has never been tighter and I've never felt so uncomfortable in my own skin. I weighed myself today and I start at a new apex of 336, but I want to use it as a catalyst to change my life once and for all. I'm 33 years old, I have hypothyroidism, I have iron deficiency anemia, I often suffer from hypoglycemia, but it will NOT stop me.

The pictures this weekend made me feel ashamed. Seeing the weight on the scale was my turning point. I can do it. I WILL do it.
