Loosing this baby weight!

hey yall! I'm new to this app/site and really hoping I can find someone with the same baby weight struggle. I've been tryin everything under the sun but with hardly any motivation, it's kinda hard to do :( Can anyone out there relate?!


  • SSawney
    SSawney Posts: 69 Member
    Hi and welcome I am in the same boat as you. My littleones are 4 and 1 1/2 and I am still struggling to lose the weight. I work out 5 days a week at least I try to eat as healthy as possible. However, I barely get any sleep, I am so stressed trying to balance working and being a single mom. So we can try this weight loss thing together.
  • Mom of three here (9, 7, & 7 months). I can definitely relate on the exhaustion and lack of time. I manage to walk during work so I can get some exercise in but once I get home, someone is always needing something and I can never find any "me alone time" to do any exercising. The motivation was a big issue too but this site is great because I can see my progress daily. 30lbs to go!
  • LJMF5685
    LJMF5685 Posts: 1
    Hey, I'm in the same boat. I have a 3 year old and after I had him I lost 45lbs. Well then I got pregnant and just had my baby 6 weeks ago. With My Fitness Pal I feel like I am not alone, we are all workout and dieting buddies. I'll be glad to help motivate anyone. I just started a 30 day challenge. I'm on day 3 so far. But I'm doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I feel that if I make little challenges or goals, it's easier to get to the bigger goal. Add me if you want a friend to help. ???? and good luck ladies
  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    How has everyone been doing? I have an 8 month old and I'm trying like mad to loose my baby weight by his 1st birthday. I packed on nearly 70 lbs. And between no sleep and just generally being busy, it's been tough! Sooo... how's it going?
  • MTrevis
    MTrevis Posts: 12 Member
    I have a 9 1/2 mo old and I have lost my baby weight without exercising. Basically by not having time to eat as much! But my body looks 100% different. Big saggy stomach and no muscle tone. I'm trying to find time to exercise and eat healthier. It's tough to give up special time with my son just to run, but in the end, I'm sure it'll be beneficial.