Please help me understand



  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    I just looked at your diary.

    The days you log look pretty good but there are some empties as well. My guess is that on those days you may end up eating more than you think. Also some of your logged days are a little low for someone your size, so make sure you are logging everything. Small snacks here and there can add up.

    Good luck.
    I just want to second this advice. When I started this seriously in October (had signed up the Dec prior, but didn't really give it a go until Oct 2013), I was only half-assing it - logged during the week only, didn't weigh my food, etc. I lost some, but stalled out over Nov/Dec (when I didn't track at all hardly, just here and there).

    Since January, I have had only a handful (literally like 5) days where I didn't track, and the weight has been steadily coming off.

    Remember, your body doesn't care if you track, your body only cares if you are in a calorie deficit. You can fool yourself all you want by not writing things down or logging them in MFP/other, but your body knows.