Marathon Success Support

I am running my first marathon in 25 days! I am so nervous. These last two weeks have been hard for me with the weekly training. I have been getting my long runs in... my longest being 20... 4 weeks ago. I haven't had much time doing strength training, speed training or small runs in the past couple weeks due to working two jobs, playing on two volleyball teams and a softball league. I guess you can say I cant wait to accomplish this marathon. I do not feel so confident as I have not put much work in for two weeks. I have ran 4 half marathons in the past.. my last one being 3 weeks ago. I have been training since February with Weight training twice a week, speed training once a week, and short runs (3-5 miles) and one long run a week. I guess its good that I am staying active, but running is what makes me feel accomplished.

Can anyone give some insight if I am crazy for thinking I can finish? I am a pretty slow runner.. my goal is 5-6 hours.. or to just finish before everything is packed up ;) I am losing confidence even with the gym owner, friends and family telling me I can do this no problem....

HELP! :(


  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    I had the same anxiety before my third marathon and at the start line I saw a sign that has become my mantra in tough times. It read, "One day you will no longer be able to do this, TODAY is NOT that day."

    Its very simple but works every time! Been repeating this to myself all season this year and have now ran 4 PRS.

    Good luck and remember its just one foot in front of the other!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you'll be fine. lots of people i know taper 2 weeks before the big race. all those miles are hard on your legs.

    if you've been able to do 20 miles, you'll be able to finish. don't worry about it.
  • PinkCuda13
    PinkCuda13 Posts: 11 Member
    That is a good Quote :) Thank you!
  • wardamnirish
    wardamnirish Posts: 395
    If you've done 20, even a few weeks ago, you'll be fine. Take it nice and easy, especially at first, settle into a comfortable pace, and don't forget to take your gels.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    You've put in the physical, and now you have to work out the mental. There is no "Did Not Finish" opiton!! You WILL finish. If you're goal is 5-6 hours, you should be able to do that. I am much older than you and had a pretty big foot injury (tore a hunk of flesh off the bottom of my big toe) 6 weeks before my first marathon. Only 1 20 mile run because I had a stomach bug when my 2nd 20 miler was scheduled. I finished with a 4:08:57. So, you are healthy, well trained, and determined. You WILL finish!!!
  • PinkCuda13
    PinkCuda13 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you!! I am thinking it may be more nerves than anything else. I am looking forward to the events after I finish!!!!! :)
  • krisfalbomiller
    krisfalbomiller Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome to Taper Madness! It will be fine. Your body is ready and the taper period is necessary. You are going to rock it! And having the only goal for your first marathon to be "just cross the finish line while enjoying the run" is really the only goal you should focus on.

    Good luck! Run with joy!
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'm 3 weeks out from my first marathon, and have been training since January 1st.

    I'm having similar mental struggles some days - did I train enough? Am I crazy for committing to this? What if...

    STOP! (This is what I tell myself when my mind starts to wander).

    I've done 3 separate 20 mile runs, and a great deal of runs longer than 15 miles.

    I've shaved 10 minutes off my HM time.

    We have put in the time - and our bodies are able. We need to get out of our heads!
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    You can do this! You've done the work (and you've cross-trained). Take your time and run:walk it if you have to. Don't worry about your time, just focus on finishing. Good luck! We believe in you! You need to believe too! Try to enjoy it and it will help with the nerves, I get nervous/excited/anxious before marathons too so I know what you're feeling. Being well-rested before helps, too. Make sure you taper. Go chase your dream! :glasses:
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    You'll be fine :) You've done the hardest work which are the weeks leading up to your longest run (20 miler) and now you're just waiting for the big day. You got this, don't sweat it!

    And enjoy your marathon!! The first is so memorable. Just remember: You're going to cross that finish line no matter what, go get it!!
  • buttercrud
    buttercrud Posts: 20
    Wow, very exciting! If you've done 20, then 26 is no problem. The majority of spectators and support is near the end of the race and you'll find all that cheering keeps you going - momentum is on your side. And like a few others have said, now's the time for tapering. At a couple weeks away, you're really just running for muscle memory purposes so nothing beyond 1/2 hr. Good luck and have fun!
  • PinkCuda13
    PinkCuda13 Posts: 11 Member
    These posts have helped so much!!! Thank you everyone for your support! It was much needed and the extra motivation that will help me push through.
  • jojo28012
    jojo28012 Posts: 26 Member
    You can definitely do this. I ran the Boston Marathon in less than 5 hours after NOT training and never running more than 6 miles--EVER. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we ever know. The motivation you get from the crowds is absolutely amazing and will keep you going. So, if I finished the race without training then you most certainly 100% can do this with all your training! Good luck!!!!!
  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    All good advice here. Good luck and check back in to let us know how it goes!
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    You can definitely do this. I ran the Boston Marathon in less than 5 hours after NOT training and never running more than 6 miles--EVER. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we ever know. The motivation you get from the crowds is absolutely amazing and will keep you going. So, if I finished the race without training then you most certainly 100% can do this with all your training! Good luck!!!!!

    Now that is inspirational. I am so new at all this that I am that silly girl who is trying out 5Ks but just came across an opportunity for a half marathon in January and was debating about it. I have plenty of time to train so this made up my mind! Awesome work.

    To OP, Rock this marathon so I know that everyone started somewhere and I am already on my way there! :drinker: