If Only I Were a 6'2" Man !



  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    My girlfriend eats 3000 calories a day and is very, very lean.

    Try exercising.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I'm a 6'2 female and I've lost just over 160lbs. If I eat over 1400 calories I gain. To continue to lose it's 1200. And I workout for more than 2 hours 6x a week. You just need to find the balance that works. Drink heaps of water. Avoid dodgy fats and salt. It will work. ????

    Oh no thats terrible!
    Im a 6'2 female and I lose on 2000 calories a day. I minimum is my BMR 1750!
    1200 I was dying!! Moody, hangry, shocking. I dont know how the heck you do it! I eat your daily calories for DINNER!

    The difference between you two is most likely muscle mass. I am as described in the thread title a 6'2" male. I need 2500 to maintain my weight and 2000 calories a day is what I use to drop weight. All good reasons to use the weight section of the gym right?
    OP Bump up your exercise then you could eat MOAR!
    I need over 5000 calories some days. It honestly gets a bit annoying trying to eat it all back.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm a 6'2 female and I've lost just over 160lbs. If I eat over 1400 calories I gain. To continue to lose it's 1200. And I workout for more than 2 hours 6x a week. You just need to find the balance that works. Drink heaps of water. Avoid dodgy fats and salt. It will work. ????

    You probably gain because your glycogen stores are refilling themselves. You're not gaining any fat back at 1400 calories a day.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm a 6'2 female and I've lost just over 160lbs. If I eat over 1400 calories I gain. To continue to lose it's 1200. And I workout for more than 2 hours 6x a week. You just need to find the balance that works. Drink heaps of water. Avoid dodgy fats and salt. It will work. ????

    are you sure it's fat gains that you're seeing, or just a jump in water weight which is inevitable when increasing calorie intake, due to the body storing more glycogen?

    when you increase your calorie intake, even if you're still in a deficit, you may see anything up to a 5 or 6lb gain in scale weight, due to water and glycogen. However, once your glycogen levels are full, you will start to lose weight again at the higher calorie intake, so long as it's still a deficit. If its your maintenance calories, then the water weight gains stop and your weight stabiliises. If you're in a surplus you'll see a *slow* weight gain over several weeks. Fat gain is very slow unless you're eating a seriously high number of calories in a day. You have to be 3500 calories over and above your TDEE to gain just one lb of fat (so if your TDEE is 1600 cals then you'd have to eat 5100 calories in a day to gain one pound of fat overnight).... Overnight gains in weight are water weight fluctuations, not fat.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member

    where's the 'like' button!!!


    but you KNOW that's not the truth, but still it's funny!
  • Sun_Wukong
    Sun_Wukong Posts: 131
    The comedic attempt of this thread is not lost on me but...

    ...I am kind of sick of hearing about women using "Your a male so it is much easier for you!" excuse" etc etc

    Half the time it is a thinly veiled excuse neglecting to mention that these individuals don't measure their food or exercise accurately, and other times it is a question of consistency with their (honest) logging..Yeah I went there!

    Obviously many factors contribute how to calculate an accurate deficit such as height (obviously your height would contribute to your weight no doubt),weight,age etc but it still boils down to if you are truly at a deficit you will lose No matter what kind of genitalia you have!

    There are a vast multitude of short(er) women on mfp who are extremely successful at losing weight and maintaining.

    Excuses don't burn calories, hard work and dedication do.

    Sarauk2sf is an example of what a petite shorter woman can do...but there are many more and I hope some respond to this thread.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Generally it's not about height or sex or even lean mass but rather overall weight.

    The more you weigh the more energy is required to function and move and the higher the TDEE (again generally.)
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Well, I'm a short girl too and I lose weight slower than a big man, but 10 lbs lost make a big difference on me and they're hardly noticeable on said big man. Things even out. And I bet I'd be hungrier if I was a big man.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member

    Always feel bad in restaurants with women, since they serve the same portion to both. Much easier for me to burn through it. I get to pig out a bit more. Women always have to leave something on their plates in order to account for the difference.


    Actually, us women are totally capable of counting those calories, lifting weights, AND cleaning all the food off our plate. I never take leftovers home...ever. Even on a 1,500 calorie plate of pasta.
  • Sun_Wukong
    Sun_Wukong Posts: 131

    Always feel bad in restaurants with women, since they serve the same portion to both. Much easier for me to burn through it. I get to pig out a bit more. Women always have to leave something on their plates in order to account for the difference.


    Actually, us women are totally capable of counting those calories, lifting weights, AND cleaning all the food off our plate. I never take leftovers home...ever. Even on a 1,500 calorie plate of pasta.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm 5'9, female and 42 years old. I lose on 1900 calories (+ exercise) a day. My BMR is in the mid-1700's. You might want to increase your muscle mass.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Haha I understand, as I am 5'3" myself.

    One other solution is to exercise more :) I workout at least 7 hours per week typically... so I am able to "earn" more calories to eat that way. I'm 5'3", 133, and currently losing on 1900 calories (that includes my exercise calories). This calorie level is making me more likely to stick with my healthy changes in the long term. I had started out with 1200 + exercise calories, but I was constantly hungry and felt weak. 1900 is a great fit for me so far. If you'd like to check out that kind of calculation, I used this site: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The comedic attempt of this thread is not lost on me but...

    ...I am kind of sick of hearing about women using "Your a male so it is much easier for you!" excuse" etc etc

    Half the time it is a thinly veiled excuse neglecting to mention that these individuals don't measure their food or exercise accurately, and other times it is a question of consistency with their (honest) logging..Yeah I went there!

    Obviously many factors contribute how to calculate an accurate deficit such as height (obviously your height would contribute to your weight no doubt),weight,age etc but it still boils down to if you are truly at a deficit you will lose No matter what kind of genitalia you have!

    There are a vast multitude of short(er) women on mfp who are extremely successful at losing weight and maintaining.

    Excuses don't burn calories, hard work and dedication do.

    Sarauk2sf is an example of what a petite shorter woman can do...but there are many more and I hope some respond to this thread.

    ItsCasey is another example - over 100 pounds lost.
  • Sun_Wukong
    Sun_Wukong Posts: 131
    Just wanted to add We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

    or as we say in my house "Wishes don't do dishes, so get off your backside!"
  • healthyscratch1978
    yeah, my condolences. I can't imagine trying to get by on 1200 calories a day. 1800 is bad enough.
  • wannastayfit
    wannastayfit Posts: 25 Member
    I say this all of the time - a 5' 2" woman with an appetite of a much taller person. Tall people need more energy for their bodies to function - its just not fair! That's why I work out every day. 300 calories make all of the difference in my happiness.

    This all said, I do say this as a joke. My excuse for not losing weight is that I don't eat at a better deficit - period. It's my fault. Not my bad genes!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I lose weight eating 1700-2000 calories and when I eat at maintenance my calories are 2000-2400.

    ETA: I am a 5'2, small frame and weigh 116 pounds and 45 yrs old.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm a 6'2 female and I've lost just over 160lbs. If I eat over 1400 calories I gain. To continue to lose it's 1200. And I workout for more than 2 hours 6x a week. You just need to find the balance that works. Drink heaps of water. Avoid dodgy fats and salt. It will work. ????


    I know, hey?

    I'm a 6'2" female and I'm sitting at 165 - 168 pounds. I aim to eat 2000, but am still always freakishly hungry. I work out HARD once a week, and pretty hard hopefully 2 other times a week.

    I would be so utterly miserable and exhausted if I had to eat 1400 cals and exercise 12hrs / week.

    I'd JSF.

    eta: that said... I really like the word "dodgy".
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    "I wish I was a little bit taller, wish I was a baller"