


  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    How polite was that for still being critical!

    great job +1 for the maturity

    good example for me.

    That's a nice compliment - thank you!
  • kbhartson
    kbhartson Posts: 12
    I'm not talking about restaurants pouring my wine...I pour it myself so I know how much I'm drinking and I only drink on the weekends. I don't think I'm off so much like you mention otherwise I would be gaining and I'm not; I'm just not losing as much as I was hoping I would. I think in 8 weeks I should be down more than 6 or 7 lbs especially because I'm 246 lbs, 48 years old in June and 5'6" and working out 4 to 5 days a week. I feel like I'm killing myself with no real noticeable progress. I will certainly be logging my food better though such as last night with the Chicken Marsala which brought the calories down not
  • kbhartson
    kbhartson Posts: 12
    Thanks for your great advice and suggestions Jean. It sure isn't like it was when we were in our twenties and thirties. We could drop weight without thinking about it. Sure miss those
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Hey, just one other thing. Consider laying off the alcohol entirely for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. I like to drink, too, but when I'm losing weight I cut it out entirely and it works. Alcohol interferes with several important metabolic processes related to fat loss, it's empty calories, and it dehydrates you. A scientific study I read recently found that well-hydrated bodies burn fat far more efficiently than dehydrated bodies.
    This -^^ my weight loss has utterly stopped cause of drinking. Ugh I know what I need to do. Cut it for 2 weeks and see if my weight loss improves. I hate confirmation lol :cry: :drinker:
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Was looking through your diary, I would have to agree with what others are saying on here. But also, might consider investing in a heart rate monitor? I was really surprised in how off MFP was in calculating calories, I never use their estimations anymore. I know most weight loss comes from the food you eat but know how much you burn will help.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I use the calories burned that MFP provides...I'm not coming up with it myself; I didn't realize it wasn't accurate

    Haven't read all the responses, however, get yourself a heart rate monitor. this will help give you a more accurate reading of your actual burns.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    Another thought is if you want to try the TDEE method that takes the whole exercise logging need out of it.

    Go to one of the TDEE sites, like this one: (there are others, you can just search TDEE calculator and compare, but this has a variety of different methods). Put in your information. The one with body fat percentage is the best, especially for people who are overweight--it will usually give somewhat lower numbers, IME, when you are overweight.

    Using your numbers for the one without body fat I get BMR of 1770 (again, it's likely lower in reality), and then you plug in your activity numbers--for example if you exercise 5 times a week it gives you TDEE of 2586 using that methods (others allow for more precise inputs about activity).

    Then you deduct some percentage, say 20% (which would be a 1 lb/week loss, roughly) and would eat about 2086, but not eat back any exercise calories. If you try it for a couple of weeks and aren't losing, you are closer to maintenance and then lower it some until you find a good place.

    I don't like that method for myself because I'm still in the process of trying to push my TDEE up and also eating more is a good motivation for me to exercise more, and also because as a woman of 44 and only 5'3, even being overweight my TDEE is only around 2300 or so even during my best weeks, which means 20% is less than 1 lb/week, and I'm still able to lose close to 2 lb/week using the MFP method and eating back about half my exercise calories (and heavy enough that I think that's reasonable). However, lots of people here swear by it.

    I use this method, and it works for me. All weight loss is, is more calories being burned than what is consumed. You're either eating too much without realizing it, or not burning enough. Weigh everything. Even canned tuna or bread from a bag.