Drinking water

Hi all.
I have been struggling with drinking the recommended amount of water. Honestly the most I have had in a day is 3 glasses with crystal light in them. Any suggestions for other add-ins?

And has anyone seen a major change since drinking more water? I think if I have a reason to force myself I might be able to do it.



  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    I have always had problems drinking more water because I didn't like it. I realized that it's just water and I have been making myself drink more (about 6 glasses a day). A lot of doctors say that you do not need 8 glasses a day. If your urine is light yellow, it indicates that you are getting enough water.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    YES!!! If you drink enough water it can make the difference in 2-5 pounds. Your body will hold onto the water it needs. If it knows t will get a fresh constant source, it will release what it's storing and all the icky stuff with it.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    I hear ya, girl! I used to hate the taste of water... felt like I was going to gag everytime I forced myself to take another sip. But slowly, ounce-by-ounce, I built up the my water intake. And I can totally tell on the days when I don't drink enough vs. the days I do. It flushes out all the icky stuff and sodium... It helps tremendously with the water retention, flushing that out too.

    I used to only drink 8 glasses (64/ounces) when I first started targeting my water intake. A friend of mine challenged me to work my way up to half my weight (I used to weight 242 pounds, which meant I needed to drink 121 ounces of water/day). It was entirely overwhelming at first, but I gradually worked my way up... and very regularly drink over 160-180 ounces/day. My body CRAVES it. It's so silly - but if it works, I don't care how silly it is. LOL

    Try it out for a week, upping your water intake 4 ounces each day. Then put it to the test... Don't drink enough for a day or two and watch the scale. I agree with what was said above: I have seen a 2-5 pound difference before!

    If you see the scale go up a few pounds overnight, try drinking tons of extra water the next day or two, and watch those pounds melt away again.
  • SunySyde
    Water....what helps me with getting in more water is 1 starting the day with 16 oz for taking my vitamins...2 cups down...I purchased a 64 oz pitcher from the dollar store and fill it with water first thing in the morning....it sits at my desk and I try hard to commit to drinking it all before I leave work everyday....most days more success than others but I get it in! Good luck!
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Oh! But as for HOW/WHEN to get more water into your schedule? I drink a a 20-ounce while I'm working out, 20-ounce bottle of water on my way into work, and 20-ounces before getting my first cup of coffee at work. So by 9:30 a.m., I've already had 60 ounces - great way to start the day.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    YES!!! If you drink enough water it can make the difference in 2-5 pounds. Your body will hold onto the water it needs. If it knows t will get a fresh constant source, it will release what it's storing and all the icky stuff with it.

    love how you put this!!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Nestea makes a wide variety of flavors as well and it uses Splena instead of Aspartame as a sweetener.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I love cumcumber water!!! Seems so simple but I love it.
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    Better skin
    less water retention
    less bloating
    better "movements"
    less calories
    FREE ($)
    Filling, if you’re hungry
    Sodium free (WOOHOO!!)
    Goes with red or white meat ;)
    Food tastes better
    Teeth whiten, on their own
    Additional exercise (potty breaks)
  • plutoniumfate
    plutoniumfate Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I've never posted here before but this is a subject I can get behind. I LOVE WATER! But yes it can get a little dull, so I use a myriad of different concoctions. I especially like the Special K protein powders. It comes in pink lemonade and many other fruity flavors (some of which I find too sweet). The added benefit is they have 5g of protein and 5g of fiber in each package.
    Now I personally do not follow the directions, no matter what powder I am using (1 package to 16oz of water). They are just too sweet, so I mix them with 24oz of water (which just so happens to be the size of my bottle). That seems to work for me, plus it ups my water intake without even thinking about it. Lipton makes a good instant lemon tea if you like tea, and of course crystal light is the king in this category with many different flavors. You just have to find the ones that you like.
    However, keep in mind that if you are exercising hard AND drinking the recommended 64oz (or more) a day, you could be in danger of depleting your electrolites. I know this from experience, getting headaches and feeling drained. For this I like to add in some G2 (Gatorade with less calories) and Propel powder a couple of times a week. They have the electrolites you need to replenish your stores. Propel is more conveniant as it comes in the powder packages like cyrstal light that you can mix with your normal workout water. It is a little more expensive, but worth it.
    Hope this helps, and keep pushing!
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    If you have to have flavoring try:cucumber slices, peeled grapes (red is best), lemon/lime/orange slices. If that doesn't work for you try this site: http://yumdropsflavoring.com/ Mixed berry is my fave!

    I started with the flavoring but now i can drink it plain. I still hate water but to lose weight you are supposed to drink 1/2 your weight in ounces (mine is 174 so 87oz of water/day ICK)

    On a side note I can only drink water if it's filtered or bottled. I CANNOT drink tap. I don't care what people say tap has a weird taste and/or smell. If my filter dies then I will add the yum drops so I can still drink my water.

    I go to the gym, so i try to have all my water down by 3 so all my potty breaks are done before i get there. If you have to try a mind trick (if thats' what you want to call it.) take a gulp of water every 5 mins. You'll get it down.
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    I was a soda ADDICT...no joke, I could drink over a 2 liter of diet coke a DAY! I hated water, but it REALLY DOES help! Start by challenging yourself, first make your way up to 64 oz's per day. Then once you get a handle on that (and your bladder does too) take your weight and divide it by 2. That's how many ounces per day you should be drinking. When I started doing this I was drinking 130 ounces a day and even now, 75 lbs lighter I still sometimes drink that amount.

    I got a "favorite" water bottle, it's 24 ounces and I try to refill it to at least 96 ounces (4x) a day and at most 144 ounces(6x). Just in the past week, I upped it back up to 144 ( I was slacking for awhile starting a new job) I have noticed a fantastic move in the scale (especially since I was so bad last weekend!)

    If you set out a goal to drink a certain amount during your work day then when you get home you can finish off the rest with crystal light. My favorite water bottle has a built in straw and I now have 2 of them!
  • ksnielsen
    ksnielsen Posts: 8 Member
    It is hard, but a new study just came out stating that drinikng 2 glasses prior to each meal will help with weight loss. You can read the article by clicking on the following link.

    Also I find that drinking out of a water bottle helps me. Don't know why but it does =)

    Hope this helps..Good luck!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Water makes a world of difference! I never had a problem drinking it.

    Try buying a Nalgene (which is half of what you need in a day) and make it a point to have it finished by a certain time of day.

    Put some lemon or cucumber wedges in your water.

    Get naturally flavored Seltzer (sparkling water, not tonic).

    Eat more fruit (mostly water)!