The Cost of Losing Weight

An interesting article from ABC News on different weight loss plans and their associated costs per pounds lost.


  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Great article! I wasn't sure where it was headed but I am glad that I am on here and I'd have to say that this has been saving me money long term! Eating less in portions (means leftovers for the next day) and less money on drinking.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Funny how limiting your calories saves you money. No-brainer , Huh? LOL
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Thanks for sharing!

    It is amazing to me that the things my doctor has pushed (surgery and meds) are only partially effective. This article states lap band surgery only helps lose 50% of the excess weight (i.e. if you have 100 lbs to lose, the band alone will only help you lose 50 my mind, I assumed it would help with 100%) and drugs like Meridia (scientific article I got at work, no link available), only actually helps you lose 2% of your weight. The rest comes with diet and exercise.

    It makes me happy to know I'm doing 100% with diet & exercise.
  • sjoy711
    sjoy711 Posts: 40 Member
    Great article! People are always looking for a quick fix, but more often than not they just cause themselves more harm than good. I had a cousin that passed away due to complications with her gastric bypass. And liver damage from taking a weightloss pill??? Are we really willing to risk that? If you want to be thin - do the work. It obviously pays off in the end.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • sjoy711
    sjoy711 Posts: 40 Member
    Great job, Nina! Keep doing the right thing and work the weight off the right way!
  • JustAnotherBob
    My sister-in-law had gastric bypass several years ago ... went on a special diet afterwards and lost a considerable amount of weight. Because she was the chief cook in the family, everyone by default went on her diet at the same time. My brother ended up losing almost as much weight as she did without the muss and fuss of the surgery.