New to fitness pal need help using it

Im new to fitness pal not too clued up on how ot works anyone wana give me abit of help? :)


  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Best place to start if you are not familiar with MFP is the "Getting Started" forum:

    In particular, the posts at the top that are pinned have tons of good advise for newcomers.

    Welcome to MFP and good luck!
  • natstar26
    natstar26 Posts: 130 Member
    First of all welcome :) yes there are tons and tons of posts on that link with heaps of advice. If you are still unsure we are all here to help :)
  • Awww thankyou thata very nice of you add me as a friens i dont know how to do it haha trying to get my head arpund what you do on here x
  • Thankyou!