Balancing exercise with calorie/protein intake?

nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
Please, only serious responders. Really looking to be educated and gain insight.

Avid biker. Long distances at 16mph - 20 mph. Currently weigh 257 pounds. Love biking, so does not seem like exercise. Look forward to that part of my day. However, at my current weight, it burns enormous amounts of calories. I mix it up, some flat road days, some hill days, some weight training with riding (core and upper body mostly). I am not an exercise fanatic, it just makes me feel better to move. I sleep a lot better, deeper.

I am on a Low Carb High Fat diet. Supervised by endocrinologist. Type 2 diabetic and have just reduced all diabetes meds by half. My macro puts 70% of calories from fat. I try to get at least 80 grams protein every day, but fall short some days. Adjusting meds, so on only 20 grams carbs per day (net, and just now introducing fruits). Get about 6 cups lettuce/spinach, daily avocado, some cucumbers and mushrooms daily. Have lost 21 pounds since May 1.

Today my deficit is just over 3000 after eating just over 1600 calories. I could not have possibly eaten any more food. I have been stuffed all day. My questions is, should I be worried about deficits that are ranging between 2300 to 3200 daily? I feel good, eat enough to get really full, have tons of energy, and in great health. Please help me with some educated information. Thanks.