Has anyone read Maura Kelly's latest 'post' on Marie Claire?

kspeach Posts: 179 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
The hatred she spews. How unhappy and miserable and hateful must someone be to write all that article?

The counterpoint is linked here: http://www.jennsylvania.com and she links to the offending column.

Just. Wow.

If you are pound overweight, and subscribe to Marie Claire, you might want to rethink that.


  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Forget about if you subscribe. Send the editor in chief an email on your thoughts: JoannaColes@hearst.com. I did!
  • JillTwiss
    JillTwiss Posts: 139 Member
    Wow. What a rude b*tch. I love her faux apology too.

    "UPDATE: I would really like to apologize for the insensitive things I've said in this post. Believe it or not, I never wanted anyone to feel bullied or ashamed after reading this, and I sorely regret that it upset people so much. A lot of what I said was unnecessary. It wasn't productive, either.


    I know a lot of people truly struggle to lose weight — for medical and psychological reasons — and that many people have an incredibly difficult time getting to a healthy size. I feel for those people and I'm truly sorry I added to the unhappiness and pain they feel with my post.


    I would like to reiterate that I think it's great to have people of all shapes and healthy sizes represented in magazines (as, it bears mentioning here, they are in Marie Claire) and on TV shows — and that in my post, I was talking about a TV show that features people who are not simply a little overweight, but appear to be morbidly obese. (Morbid obesity is defined as 100 percent more than their ideal weight.) And for whatever it's worth, I feel just as uncomfortable when I see an anorexic person as I do when I see someone who is morbidly obese, because I assume people suffering from eating disorders on either end of the spectrum are doing damage to their bodies, and that they are unhappy. But perhaps I shouldn’t be so quick to judge based on superficial observations.

    To that point (and on a more personal level), a few commenters and one of my friends mentioned that my extreme reaction might have grown out of my own body issues, my history as an anorexic, and my life-long obsession with being thin. As I mentioned in the ongoing dialogue we’ve been carrying on in the comments section, I think that's an accurate insight.

    People have accused me of being a bully in my post. I never intended to be that — it's actually the very last thing I want to be, as a writer or a person. But I know that I came off that way, and I really cannot apologize enough to the people whom I upset."

    Please. She isn't sorry. She's sorry for the backlash. She's not sorry about what she said. She said it because she feels that way and that's really sad.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    Sorry, I am too lazy to go to the article, you are referring to the skank who was repulsed by fat people kissing and various other bull****. I say lots of stupid stuff I would like to take back later, I sure she feels like an idiot now too. Too bad she felt the need to have it published in a MAGAZINE.
  • littlemamajamie
    littlemamajamie Posts: 118 Member
    WOW!!! That was rude! I don't buy Marie Claire and now I never will! Thanks for posting this
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I particularly love (sarcasm) her comment:

    "But ... I think obesity is something that most people have a ton of control over. It's something they can change, if only they put their minds to it.

    (I'm happy to give you some nutrition and fitness suggestions if you need them — but long story short, eat more fresh and unprocessed foods, read labels and avoid foods with any kind of processed sweetener in them whether it's cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup, increase the amount of fiber you're getting, get some kind of exercise for 30 minutes at least five times a week, and do everything you can to stand up more — even while using your computer — and walk more. I admit that there's plenty that makes slimming down tough, but YOU CAN DO IT! Trust me. It will take some time, but you'll also feel so good, physically and emotionally. A nutritionist or personal trainer will help — and if you can't afford one, visit your local YMCA for some advice.)"

    Umm, ok. 1. I want advice from her (not!) 2. Sure, obesity is in everyone's head and most people have control over it. That's why scientists and doctors are studying obesity and how it relates to genetics. DING! Stop the presses and put Ms. Kelly in front of scientists, doctors and patients---it's in everyone's head & in each person's control!

    Genius. :noway:
    (I need an eye rolling smiley)
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Wow. That original article was ridiculous! I wish I had time to read through all the comments. WTF.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I had heard about this today, but finally got around to reading the original article, and it was actually worse than expected!

    I am fat. There is no excuse for it, I let myself get fat by eating instead of dealing with the feelings of failure and pain that came from a miscarriage and infertility. But, I am more than just a fat person. I *gasp* kiss my husband in public, even though it is like the grossest thing in the world for people to have to see! And guess what.....we fatties have s*x and wear bathing suits and walk around our communities regardless of how much it is upsetting to others!

    I know, its shocking to hear that we are normal people. If you do not like looking at me - I believe her comment was that we are displeasing to watch - then don't look. Feel free to spend all of your time in a little bubble with only skinny people and never meet those of us who have weight problems.

    I understand that she has suffered from anorexia. Its a horrible disease and I truly do admire her for being able to fight it and surviving. However, as someone who has survived an eating disorder, shouldn't she have more sympathy for those of us who can not control our eating habits?

    I did not often buy Marie Claire, but I will never pick it up again until she has been fired.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I was furious when I read that article. And when I read her "apology," I'm like, "Too late, *****! You should think before you speak, err, write!" :mad:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i think the article was abrasively written, but i think the backlash it is causing is because most overweight/obese people know they have a weight problem, but do nothing about it. it hurts when the truth stares them right in the face so they become angry at the messenger. (if you are here, working at changing your life, i am not talking about you.)

    being fat IS unattractive, as well as unhealthy. most of the people that want to lose weight want to do it in part for vanity. however that does not mean that an overweight/obese person should be made to feel like they aren't a good person, that people don't/won't love them, that they don't have value, that they are beautiful and worthy as a child of God, etc.

    just my opinion.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    i think the article was abrasively written, but i think the backlash it is causing is because most overweight/obese people know they have a weight problem, but do nothing about it. it hurts when the truth stares them right in the face so they become angry at the messenger. (if you are here, working at changing your life, i am not talking about you.)

    being fat IS unattractive, as well as unhealthy. most of the people that want to lose weight want to do it in part for vanity. however that does not mean that an overweight/obese person should be made to feel like they aren't a good person, that people don't/won't love them, that they don't have value, that they are beautiful and worthy as a child of God, etc.

    just my opinion.

    I'm still angry...
  • doris_day
    doris_day Posts: 159
    If you want to be an ignorant B*#$^ that's your thing. The world is full of people like her that have an issue with people for all kinds of reasons, it's hateful and ugly. But it's her opinion.

    What I have a problem with is that Marie Claire approved and sanctioned it for their readers. If she had a personal blog outside of Marie Claire and wanted to be ignorant that's one thing.

    Here is their tag line on the internet: "Welcome to Marie Claire magazine, the publication that women turn to for information on fashion, style, beauty, women's issues, careers, health".

    Marie Claire is supposed to be on the side of women - all women not just size 2 skinny girls - all women. Beside the fact that I'm totally offended by her comments, I'm even more angry at the Editor of Marie Claire for allowing her to post hatred on their behalf.

    Beside the fact that she's never even seen the Mike and Molly show, she missed the entire point of the story line. I can't wait to see the ratings for the Mike and Molly show go through the roof as a result of this. I'm looking forward to the story line where Molly cancels her subscription to Marie Claire!
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Forget about if you subscribe. Send the editor in chief an email on your thoughts: JoannaColes@hearst.com. I did!

    I sent in a message of concern and utter disappointment. That's how I feel about the article, childish, hurtful and irresponsible! in other words, those that know me will know I feel very GRRRRRRR about this!!!!!:mad:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    no such thing as bad publicity=lots of folks have now heard her name and Marie Claire as a result of this...,

    just sayin'

    lots of people say stupid crap all the time. But to give so much attention to it only feeds the fire.
  • caejde
    caejde Posts: 29 Member
    It's comments like hers that make me feel even worse about myself. I am already very self conscious and insecure with myself--even with my friends, family and especially my husband. I am going to try not to give any validation to what she said and continue to try to be positive and know that I am working on my weight loss.
  • katerinab
    katerinab Posts: 107
    She doesn't want to see fat people making out? Well heck, I don't want to see skinny people making out. I don't mind holding hands, a quick chaste kiss, or whatever, but if other people have time to look at their watches while you're out in public macking on someone, then skinny, fat, or just right - it's too much. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander. I guess skinny people are the only ones "worthy" of showing their affection to others. Huh!

    Screw that idea. And her.
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