Thought twice about that chocolate cake...



  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Well yes... cake for my birthday. We decided (I live with my sister) to go out for lunch, the place has a free piece of cake or pie for the birthday person... oh cool! So I think we can share the cake, oh was it great! but get this it was enough for us to share and only eat 1/2 but before I'd of eaten that whole thing! From now on we will go there and get a free piece of great cake and share it instead of buying a cake that I will over eat!

    I use cute little ice cream dishes now too that I bought at the Walmart, look like little crystal ones from the ice cream place...and guess what? they look FULL and elegant with a simple real serving of ice cream! so my mind thinks it is having a LOT and my calorie count stays in zone!
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    I've seriously decreased my starches and fat, especially butter. Before, I would have an entire 300-400 gram potato, cooked as home fries with a tsp of olive oil and 3 (smallish) eggs cooked in butter.
    Now I will eat one egg and half a potato. Use my Misto sprayer to apply a mist of oil to pan and potato surface. Often I have pan-stir fried chard instead of potato,too.
    I don't buy whipped cream or half and half anymore. I have no control with it and can literally eat a bowl of homemade whipped cream after drinking out of the carton!
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    Also - this is one reason I hated Weight Watchers cake recipes. They would sound like a really low cal option, until you realised that after baking, you were going to have to divide it into 5 billion slices. It wasn't low fat, it was just portions which effectively mounted to about 3 crumbs:-)
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    This is one reason that I do not tend to bake. My husband does not have a sweet tooth, I would be left with a huge cake to consume. I bake at Christmas & Easter or when family come to stay etc, but usually cupcakes, which are easy to package up & give to friends & family. I make a lovely chocolate ganache cup cake topped with nuts, dried fruit & ginger - I usually have one & then give the rest away as quickly as possible.
    Same here, although is still bake some rye bread for the hubby. I might need to make a healthy zuchinni bread today with my glut of zuchinni. My husband requested chocolate cake for his graduation party, which was a small gathering. I ended up giving 2/3ds of the cake away to my step-daughters family. I felt like an enabler because she, her husband and teenage son are all overweight, by a lot. Not that it matters, it will just take the place of some of their Macdonalds and Filebertos calories for a couple of days!
    Today, we're trying zuchinni noodles with pesto or marinara!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    I cook all our meals at home and I am constantly trying to make things that little bit healthier, for example when I make bolognese or chilli, i throw in alot more vegetables and use half the mince we used to eat, still filling, still tasty but healthier - the one thing I hate doing to this day is weighing my pasta! I love pasta and 150 - 200g looks like nothing on the plate! I do it, but im not happy about it. I even bought smaller plates to make it look like more!!!
    On the pasta thing, you should weigh your pasta dry. Check the label, but most boxes will have the serving size weight as dry, because once cooked the pieces are heavier.

    You'll get more pasta in your serving this way-and its not cheating! :)