Running Question

NMay50 Posts: 40 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise

I registered for a 5K on Thanksgiving morning. I've been doing the couch25k, and should be on week 4. I'm stuck on week 2. I can't seem to run for 3 minutes...yet. I have decided to stick with the week 2 (3 min walk, 2 min run) until I can do that consistently, every other day. On non walk/run days I do the eliptical or a spin class. I can burn so many more calories, my endurance is great, and nothing is sore.

I want to run, and I don't care how fast I am. I just want to run. Any advice to get me over my two minute max would really be appreciated!



  • mish26
    mish26 Posts: 60 Member
    Try slowing down. So many people try to run too fast. My advice is, when you think you are going too slow, slow down some more. The speed will come in time.
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    I did my first half marathon using the 1 min run 1 min walk for the whole thing. Being out there is what counts. I am doing a Half Ironman and will run 3 min ad walk 1 min for the 13 mile run. Just get out there and do what you are doing. The faster/longer running will come with time. And even if it doesn't I know some very fast walkers.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Healh wise, running is no better for you than walking and can even hurt you as we get older. With that said, I know what you mean. I have hated running my entire life, but as I am getting in better shape and losing fat, I want to start running. I am doing it the old fashiion way by mostly walking, but at set points I run and don't stop till I reach my mark and/or time. The thing you do, is after you get comfortable with that mark or time, then you add a little. Over time, you will be able to run longer and farther.

    Slow and easy wins this race for sure.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    You will get it. 1 year ago I started the couch to 5k. The first time I had to run the 3 minutes I wanted to die. Then I was freaking out at trying the 10 minute runs. I did the same at you. I registered for the 5k and the day before the race I still had not run a full 3 miles.
    Well on the day of the 5k I did it. I did have to walk at one of the hills (never thought they would put a hill in the race..haha) But no one asks if you walked at all...just if you finished.

    And this past sunday I ran my first 10k!! It took me an hour and 6 minutes....but I did it! Best of luck and enjoy it. The race events become addicting.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Are you running too fast maybe? When I did C25K, I ran an average of just under 4mph (slower than I was walking, really). My bf runs pretty fast and can't get past 1.5 mi unless he runs with me and makes a concerted effort to slow down. Maybe just slow down as much as you can and still do the jogging motion?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If you do C25K on the treadmill, try setting it on 4, and walking on 3. 4 is a pretty slow jog, and you should be able to sustain it for a while if you just grit your teeth and go for it.
  • goola
    goola Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with the notion of slowing down. and there is no shame in walking a bit to catch your breath... just as long as not for too long and you start to run again. it can take a LONG time for your endurance and speed to increase. I've been running for years, but had to stop after surgery for a couple months. it took me a full 6 weeks to get back up to running more than 10 minutes without having to walk for 30 seconds or so. just keep at it... get out there 4 times a week... after a month or so, you'll see an improvement. i promise one day you will go out for a run, and realize that you just ran 3 miles without stopping.
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    \when I started running about 6 years ago - i couldn't run to the end of the road, so I followed a simple plan from the Runners world website - its was 1 min walk 1 min run for 20 mins x 3 sessions, 2mins run 1 min walk x 3 sessions, 3 mins run 1 min walk x 3 sessions, etc etc. Don't over stride as it can give knee pain. There's loads of info on the website with downloadable training plans too.

    I followed this plan for 10 weeks and it worked amazingly well. The best thing is either to get a watch with a timer and time yourself. Try do it with a friend or run to music as it might distract you from looking at your watch all the time.

    Even now after running 6 years, if i'm increasing my distance or pace for a race I still do a min walk session between timed sessions. Its also good to make sure you have correct fitting trainers as they should stop any knee/ankle pain if you get any at all.

    Good luck with your training, running is great fun as it can be enjoyed anywhere anytime
    Don't run in cotton either as they hold sweat you should run in wicking materials and its much comfier.
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Definitely slow down. I "finished" the program using Podrunner, but the last three weeks I did more intervals than long runs. I went back to week 5 and did the 5 minute/3minute intervals for awhile, and just last week I bumped it to day2 of week 5 to the 8 minute segments. I'm going to hang here until I get comfy with it and then move on. Just the fact that you are out there moving is the huge factor.

    Like you, I think about how I would perform in an actual 5K. I haven't signed up for one yet, but I did get the times of a recent one and found several women in my age group with what looks like walking times. One of these days I just have to bite the bullet and do it.

  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Like most others, I suggest slowing down! Use the "talk test" you should be able to talk while running, but not have a full coversation.

    Focus on form: stand up straighter, drop your shoulders, keep your hands near your waist and try to take longer strides. When you're all hunched up, running fast you're exhausting a lot of energy.

    You'll get there! Don't give up!
  • This is why I love mfp for the people that are truely encouraging I have down loaded couch 25k app last week but haven't started yet..your post has motivated me to get out there and not worry about not being able to keep up but just do it to the best of my ability..... Thanks : )
    I did my first half marathon using the 1 min run 1 min walk for the whole thing. Being out there is what counts. I am doing a Half Ironman and will run 3 min ad walk 1 min for the 13 mile run. Just get out there and do what you are doing. The faster/longer running will come with time. And even if it doesn't I know some very fast walkers.
  • Set up a 20 song playlist on your iPod that alternates one song to walk to (slower, relaxing) with one to run to (with a pace and energy you like). Try to choose songs that are 3-4 minutes each. You'll know just by hearing the song whether it's time to walk or run, and since you know the songs, you'll know there isn't much more to go when you are getting tired. Plus, the music makes the time pass and makes it fun! But most of all be proud of yourself for trying and don't give up! Happy Running :smile:
  • Thanks for this thread! Its been very inspiring indeed. I just went for my first run lol! I'm rubbish at running but I felt like I should try. I did more walking than running but I'm hoping if I keep it up the walk/run ratio might change for a better one! I've got to say though I am very self conscious about running and only really get going when no one is around :(. Nice to hear so many running success stories!
  • I think the big question is why are you needing to stop? Are you in pain, or just uncomfortable? Pain is a reason to stop, but if you are breathing hard, think your heart is going to pound out of your chest, or you legs are on fire, focus on dealing with those things rather than stopping.

    I'm doing the C25k using the Podrunner series. I've never run before in my life....I mean NEVER. In school I always just walked the mile rather than even try and run. Now, I'm on week 5 of the C25k and I feel great. I actually do the workout twice through, and I try to get out every morning. It was really hard at first, but then I started to focus on the music and staying right with the beat. That pace slowed me down and let me focus on controlling my heart rate so I could breathe. When I try to run without the music, it's much harder for me.

    So, I would look at what reasons you have for stopping and figure out how to push past them. Once you push past the discomfort once, you'll know how to do it again and again.

    Good luck!
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    I also have NEVER been a runner. I started the C25K program on my iPod in July and thought I would never get through it. I think I repeated week 3 twice and week 7 twice. I am happy to say though that I FINISHED the program this morning. I run at 5.0 and walk at 3.8 (when walking was still part of it). I may repeat the program and try to pick up speed, but I would recommend repeating days you have a hard time with before moving on. It helped me!
  • NMay50
    NMay50 Posts: 40 Member
    If you do C25K on the treadmill, try setting it on 4, and walking on 3. 4 is a pretty slow jog, and you should be able to sustain it for a while if you just grit your teeth and go for it.

    I run mostly on a treadmill. 4.0 run, and 3.0-3.5 walk, trying to find a stride that I can maintain. I have gone as slow as 3.8 run/jog just playing with different speeds to find what works. I'm not giving up... I will persevere.

  • NMay50
    NMay50 Posts: 40 Member
    I think the big question is why are you needing to stop? Are you in pain, or just uncomfortable? Pain is a reason to stop, but if you are breathing hard, think your heart is going to pound out of your chest, or you legs are on fire, focus on dealing with those things rather than stopping.

    I'm doing the C25k using the Podrunner series. I've never run before in my life....I mean NEVER. In school I always just walked the mile rather than even try and run. Now, I'm on week 5 of the C25k and I feel great. I actually do the workout twice through, and I try to get out every morning. It was really hard at first, but then I started to focus on the music and staying right with the beat. That pace slowed me down and let me focus on controlling my heart rate so I could breathe. When I try to run without the music, it's much harder for me.

    So, I would look at what reasons you have for stopping and figure out how to push past them. Once you push past the discomfort once, you'll know how to do it again and again.

    Good luck!

    I'm not sure if it's discomfort in my body, or my lungs.... or a mental thing. I'm trying to relax, but at this point I'm anticipating the failure possibility when it comes time to run. My hunch, is that it's a bit of all three!

  • NMay50
    NMay50 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks so much, all of you! Lots of great information. Most of which is as follows...

    Slow down
    Don't give up
    run/walk is ok that will change in time
    Have great music or a friend
    and most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • NMay50
    NMay50 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks so much, all of you! Lots of great information. Most of which is as follows...

    Slow down
    Don't give up
    run/walk is ok that will change in time
    Have great music or a friend
    and most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    Yes, thanks for all the posts....I have been trying to run (ok, I guess i HAVE been running) and at first I could barely run for 90 seconds without stopping....I can run for 6-7 minutes now without stopping. I hope to keep increasing steadily, so I can just go "run" for LOTS of minutes without stopping! : )
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