New to Yoga -- share your success stories, please



  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I started Bikram Yoga about one year ago and practiced for about 10 months. The classes are held in a 105* room at 40% humidity and you sweat through 2 breathing exercises and 2 sets of 26 poses in 1-1/2 hours per class. I went 3-5 classes per week to help heal/rehab a runners injury to my ankle. It was a struggle to get through each class but I felt so much better after getting done each day. I often got up early to get into the city for a 6 am class before work, and even went to two special sessions which each lasted over 4 hours. I only recently stopped because I wanted to increase my time running and weight training and I was running out of hours in a day to fit everything in. My ankle was healed in those classes and some of my other aches and pains went away while I learned how to improve my balance and worked especially hard on backbends to heal my spine.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Totally think you are on the right track if you develop a yoga habit!! The more you do it, the more of a workout it can work up a sweat!! I have Kathy Smith's New Yoga, and I mostly have done the intermediate DVD. There are many to choose from, but hers is my perennial favorite. Yoga makes you stronger in everything else you do. It makes your breathing deep and steady. It makes your posture excellent. It trains your body to move correctly through out the day. It is a super-boost to your health and feeling of well-being!
    ETA yoga makes your body look more youthful!!!