is monounsaturated fat that bad ?

I haven't been doing this long, but when I look at my nutrition breakdown it always says that the monounsaturated fat is red. Which was a surprise because I have been doing my best to eat healthy.

I then find out it is from the milk on my cereal, I don't want to cut milk out of my diet because It has loads of the good things like calcium vitamins and all that jazz, but i don't know how bad the monounsaturated fat is

so do you think that the little bit of bad fat is a reason to cut it out or should i just live with the little red number ?


  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Actually around 10 years ago scientists determined that cutting out all fat (including the good fats) is actually what is bad.

    Like anything else, moderation.

    You'll find folks living well into their 90s that eat butter and olive oil every day. Olive oil: good fat. Avocado: good fat.

    So the low fat products on grocery shelves typically contain more of other things to make up for the lack of fat. Typically they are highly processed and you would have been better off sticking with the full fat version and measuring out your portion.
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    The reason it's red is because myfitnesspal doesn't have a set number it suggests you consuming. Monounsaturated (or any unsaturated) fat is actually good for you, and should be consumed more than other fats! Unsaturated fats are actually oils at room temperature, unlike saturated fat (I'm sure you've heard that cooking in oil is better for you than butter?). Myfitnesspal gives you a goal for total fat, just try to focus on that, your unsaturated fats are counted into the total fats on the nutritional label, it's just there to show how much of the total fat is from this healthier oil. There are tons more information and articles online revealing the benefits of consuming these fats, but certainly don't avoid them!
    I know this is kind of wordy, I'm sorry. Just remember this:
    Unsaturated fats = :) (Helps to lower bad cholesterol among other things)
    Saturated = :/ (Too much can raise your bad cholesterol while lowering good)
    Trans = D: NO (the worst fat there is, greatly increases your risk for all kinds of diseases)