Beating Cancer With the Foods you Eat?

Saw this article going viral on my Facebook news feed and thought I would share... I wonder if it's real? I don't see any citations or references to JHU's website or scientific articles.

What do you all think? Has anyone ever had a relative that has gone through cancer that has gotten any/some of this advice?


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    .... is this real life?

    Everything causes cancer it seems like, eat what you want. If you're going to get it, eating X amount of almonds per day WILL NOT stop it from taking place in ones life.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm not even going to bother reading the article. I've had two people very close to me get leukemia, a cousin and her very own 3-year-old son. She is still trying to beat it, and he is in remission now. Her mother died of brain cancer when she was very young. I'd say genetics is more involved than anything else.

    She ate very healthy and was into running almost every day. I can't imagine telling anyone that has cancer that it was because of the foods they ate, or they could beat it by eating healthy. If I told my cousin that, she'd probably punch me in the face. Nothing short of the bone marrow transplant and copious amounts of chemotherapy can and will save her.

    ETA: And after actually reading it, and looking at the little pictures at the bottom, I would say articles like this are VERY dangerous. I'm recalling an episode of House where someone refused treatment and decided to go a homeopathic route because others "beat cancer by eating healthy" and ended up dying in the end.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    It is circulating again. The article can be found on, it was on my FB the other day too, shared by a relative well known for sharing things that can be found on snopes. I read it but must admit I don't remember all the details, but will say this...

    As a cancer survivor...I eat tons of fresh fruits and vegetables, am so happy that I can eat fresh green salads again (it took a while for these new guts to accept them). I am staying and getting more active, eat lean proteins and have my labs monitored closely. I drink a lot of water, still drink some fake sweeteners but not as much as before. I try to make sure my vitamin D is adequate, I take aspirin, I try not to eat s%$&. That said, when we grill, I put a little char on and eat it...when you have a 5 year survival rate pinned to your shirt...on the one hand you want to really take care of yourself, on the other hand, there are things you just want, just in case your time to enjoy them runs out.

    It is hard to know what triggered my cancer (certain college-age lifestyle habits, probably), or how long it was developing, but I can also say that at the time it probably started to grow, or at least went from polyp to cancer, I was also at the healthiest, food and fitness wise, that I have ever been. I was peaceful and happy. There are no guarantees. So now I just try to do my best.

    (I did just go to the link to refresh my memory...while there are certain truths there, like, yes indeed, radiation does cause burns and a whole host of damage I am not going to share....most of this is just complete bullsh!t. And a good portion of it makes me angry, like I could've prevented cancer by being happy? I WAS happy...cancer made me unhappy. I have to go do something else, because one of my stress management techniques is to NOT read stuff like that article or the following comments)
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I didn't read the article but I will say that when my dad was fighting brain cancer he went to a "nautual healing" woman. She told him to eat foods that looked like the brain (califlour and papaya) because those foods would be good for him. At that point he was pretty much desprate and we tried it. In the end not even the highest level chemo allowed in the US could beat his cancer. I think these ideas prey on the desparation of people fighting every day just to make it to tomorrow.
  • raqueldaisy
    raqueldaisy Posts: 47 Member
    I'm not even going to bother reading the article. I've had two people very close to me get leukemia, a cousin and her very own 3-year-old son. She is still trying to beat it, and he is in remission now. Her mother died of brain cancer when she was very young. I'd say genetics is more involved than anything else.

    She ate very healthy and was into running almost every day. I can't imagine telling anyone that has cancer that it was because of the foods they ate, or they could beat it by eating healthy. If I told my cousin that, she'd probably punch me in the face. Nothing short of the bone marrow transplant and copious amounts of chemotherapy can and will save her.

    ETA: And after actually reading it, and looking at the little pictures at the bottom, I would say articles like this are VERY dangerous. I'm recalling an episode of House where someone refused treatment and decided to go a homeopathic route because others "beat cancer by eating healthy" and ended up dying in the end.

    I figured that hollydubs! I have a ridiculous amount of friends on my Facebook circulating it and it seemed insanely dubious but wanted to see if anyone had seen it elsewhere and it looks like UtahWI found it on so there we go!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm not even going to bother reading the article. I've had two people very close to me get leukemia, a cousin and her very own 3-year-old son. She is still trying to beat it, and he is in remission now. Her mother died of brain cancer when she was very young. I'd say genetics is more involved than anything else.

    She ate very healthy and was into running almost every day. I can't imagine telling anyone that has cancer that it was because of the foods they ate, or they could beat it by eating healthy. If I told my cousin that, she'd probably punch me in the face. Nothing short of the bone marrow transplant and copious amounts of chemotherapy can and will save her.

    ETA: And after actually reading it, and looking at the little pictures at the bottom, I would say articles like this are VERY dangerous. I'm recalling an episode of House where someone refused treatment and decided to go a homeopathic route because others "beat cancer by eating healthy" and ended up dying in the end.

    I figured that hollydubs! I have a ridiculous amount of friends on my Facebook circulating it and it seemed insanely dubious but wanted to see if anyone had seen it elsewhere and it looks like UtahWI found it on so there we go!

    Wow, I had no idea this was a circulating article on Facebook. It has wordpress in the URL, so that automatically tells me that it's a blog and not actual "news." But yeah, I question anything like that that shows up on facebook. No need to perpetuate unfounded myths.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Yeah this has come up so often John Hopkins even had to put something on their own website stating that it is a hoax.
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm not even going to bother reading the article. I've had two people very close to me get leukemia, a cousin and her very own 3-year-old son. She is still trying to beat it, and he is in remission now. Her mother died of brain cancer when she was very young. I'd say genetics is more involved than anything else.

    She ate very healthy and was into running almost every day. I can't imagine telling anyone that has cancer that it was because of the foods they ate, or they could beat it by eating healthy. If I told my cousin that, she'd probably punch me in the face. Nothing short of the bone marrow transplant and copious amounts of chemotherapy can and will save her.

    ETA: And after actually reading it, and looking at the little pictures at the bottom, I would say articles like this are VERY dangerous. I'm recalling an episode of House where someone refused treatment and decided to go a homeopathic route because others "beat cancer by eating healthy" and ended up dying in the end.

    ^^ AGREED. I felt this way recently when I read an article correlating those who take SSRI's and homicidal killers. Sort of different articles, but in the same vein of declaring that medicine is evil or unnecessary.