People with a LOT of weight to lose... add me? ^_^

katykuns Posts: 5 Member
I have spent most of my life overweight, but it has got totally out of control over the last 3 years. I have been in denial for a very long time, and am now being honest about my weight. I am in a place mentally that is good, I have a good life. I feel like I deserve to be healthy now, and I am determined to lose it. I am losing weight slowly, with the help of MFP, as well as the occasional 'fast day' from when I was doing 5:2. The reason I have lost as much as I have is down to the support of other people struggling also.

I would love to have some more friends on here that also have a lot to lose. I am 20 stone and 11 pounds (291 pounds) and want to get to 12 stone eventually. It's a long journey, but heck, it's taken me many to get to this state now.

So yeah... that's it I think XD


  • StarPlatinumORA
    StarPlatinumORA Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! Weirdly, my start weight was also EXACTLY 291 pounds. o.O (Well, it was the weight I got from the doctor's, converted from kilos). I'm at 281 now though, although I think that my scales are not 100% correct, lol. It'll balance out next week.. (I can't have lost 10lb in as many days. :I )

    My target weight is something like 13 st or so. (I was once that weight, but like, 10 years ago or something!) I am fairly tall, tho, so my target's a bit higher. I wouldn't mind getting a bit lower, but yeah! I have to succeed this time 'cause medical reasons!
  • cliffhealy
    cliffhealy Posts: 17 Member
    OK so 12 stone...British? In pounds is that like 120? I will be happy to be your friend. I have a goal of losing 120 pounds. 11 gone so far.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Would you like a friend that started out with a lot to lose? I started around the same (285-290) but am now down to 155 with 10 more to lose. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Mindo14
    Mindo14 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am new here. Just started yesterday. I have done weight Watcher's in the past with some success, but I always put it back on. I am at the heaviest I have ever been, and I sure am feeling it. I can't stand for long without my lower back starting to hurt, sleeping is getting more difficult, with my arms falling asleep and going numb, and I just gotta do something about this! Looking for friends.

  • hearach1974
    hearach1974 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi folks, could I tag along? im on my second week and so far doing ok. Im trying to stick to 1200 calories a day. Im sure like everyone else there is good days and bad days for us all. Im 290 pounds, lost 7 pounds last week, I know this is all fluids but nice to see the effort pay off and numbers going down. Im new to MFP so not quite sure this all works
  • newsize56
    newsize56 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I have been a graduate student (online) for the past two years. Since I study from home, I am not getting out much. I also have a medical condition and take medication that makes me feel hungry. I weight 210 and would like to lose 60 lbs. I need to eat less, healthier and exercise more. I would love to have someone to talk to, to meet this goal.
  • cwunderlich
    cwunderlich Posts: 35 Member
    I would love some new friends to support me on this journey. Please feel free to add me!
  • ceceliaskye
    ceceliaskye Posts: 3 Member
    I just joined and need to lose 115 pounds. I am happy to be your friend. :) I sure need support.
  • katykuns
    katykuns Posts: 5 Member
    I have added you all :) Hope that's okay :)

    Yeah, I am British, from Norfolk in England. I, like you heatherlyncal, was a student a few years ago... the final year I spent a lot of time camped on the sofa binging sweet food that I felt kept my brain active in a bid to complete a dissertation. It was a killer. I can't remember the last time I was 12 stone, probably when I was like... 12? I was bullied a lot at school, and my escape was eating... plus there were some already unhealthy habits to work on from when I was small 'you can't leave until your plate is clear?' anyone? lol
    One of my turning points was getting to 28 this year, and thinking I have been overweight longer than I have been at a normal weight in my life. I also have had some trouble with my feet and knees, and I know they can't recover carrying this huge weight on them.

    One of my biggest obstacles is that I work nights, with 2 children, and that has really impacted on my health. I have pretty much stopped getting sugary fatty carb hits to help me feel more awake. Also, I have stopped eating unhealthy stuff in the middle of my nights, which has helped a lot.

    hearach1974 - please do tag along, all are welcome x
  • little_lu_2016
    little_lu_2016 Posts: 9 Member
    I have about 50 pounds to lose. Feel free to add; would love the encouragement =)
  • jkdkojones
    jkdkojones Posts: 2
  • Macyfiinks
    Macyfiinks Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm Macy! I'm in need of some helpful, motivational friends as well. I'm also trying to lose A LOT of weight. Tomorrow will be my first week in and I'm feeling great about it! Feel free to add me! :)
  • StarPlatinumORA
    StarPlatinumORA Posts: 21 Member
    OK so 12 stone...British? In pounds is that like 120? I will be happy to be your friend. I have a goal of losing 120 pounds. 11 gone so far.

    Just so you know, it'll be more than that, since there's 14 lb in a stone. (Makes perfect sense I know, lol!) So your goal loss is approximately 8 and a half stone. :)
  • Moroccanmrs
    I need to lose masses of weight!!!
    possibly about 7 stone which in pounds is 98 lbs!Seeing it like that in numbers is horrifying!!!
    I am happy to be a "friend"
  • lissdawn
    lissdawn Posts: 70 Member
    Macy I just started last week too and I have about the exact same weight as you to lose. Nice to find a 'twinnie' :)
  • tanyatabone9
    tanyatabone9 Posts: 39 Member
    You can add me :)
  • zehrat26
    zehrat26 Posts: 1 Member
    I am restarting my diet (again!) today and have 101lbs to lose. Feel free to add me anyone, could do with motivation! :)