Any way around eating exercise calories back?!?!

My background
(My weight has been at a standstill basically for a month and a half. Up a pound then down a pound then up then down the same pound. I'm 31, 5'2 and 137-138 pounds. I came off weight watchers to mfp about two months ago. My points had me eating 950 calories a day. Soo bad and hard to do! And I was losing a pound a week. Started mfp and feel a lot better. Started 30 day shred a moth and a half ago. My stomach and hips have slight progress but not too much.)

My issue
I'm afraid I'm not losing due to eating back exercise calories. I will go for long walks/hikes on weekends and burn 1300ish calories. If I eat back half of them I feel satisfied sometimes full! Sometimes I eat them back just because I'm afraid of falling under and my body turning to my muscle for energy. But I feel like eating them back is hurting my loss. I seem to not lose anything when i do. So do I have to eat half of them back? What does everyone else do? Especially when mfp is saying u burned 1300 or more?


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Well you're quit possibly are doing metobolic damage repair- 950 calories is obscenely low- how long were you eating that low??

    What is your goal weight?

    Are you weighing everything??

    How are you confirming your calorie burns? MFP is guilty of over estimating burns- 1300 sounds like a LOT of burn.

    it's a very common problem for people to over estimate their calorie burns and under estimate their food calories.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    1300 calories isn't really that much, just a little over one third of a pound. So if you don't eat them back, you'd theoretically lose one pound every three weeks.

    I eat most of mine back, trying to stay 200 to 300 calories below my net goal, which is set at a 250 calorie deficit. I average somewhere around 1,000 calories burned daily. I seem to be stuck lately, but I'm going to give it a few more weeks before making any changes.
  • Lyenny
    Lyenny Posts: 10 Member
    In addition to your long walks, maybe add in some muscle building activities. Keep it simple....squats and lunges for lower body, pushups and dips for upper body, and crunches, sit ups and planks for core. There are tons of workouts on Pinterest....If you google the 7 minute workout, that's a great one too...just do it at least 3 times in one workout, and you'll be on your way to building muscle. Plus, if you do plyometrics for your lower body or add in some cardio activities like jumping jacks, high knees, squat jumps, you'll get in some good cardio too. Be sure to eat enough protein and enough calories to help your body use these activities to build muscle. This may make you gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat, but your body will be getting smaller. Don't expect results takes time for change like this to happen in your body...I've been doing a boot camp type class 3 times a week for 5 years, and it has completely changed my body. It didn't happen overnight, but consistency really pays off! Good luck to you! You can do it!
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member

    How are you confirming your calorie burns? MFP is guilty of over estimating burns- 1300 sounds like a LOT of burn.

    Maybe I misread the OP. I thought she meant she burned 1300 calories over the weekend, and that was the only real exercise all week. In other words, 1300 calories total per week.
  • _JPunky
    _JPunky Posts: 508 Member
    The only way around is not to exercise. Which is just another silly choice.
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    You are my weight and height, give or take an inch or two. MFP has me at 1200 calories, and I don't eat back all my exercise calories. If I go over the 1200 calories per day that MFP has me on it is under 200 calories. I just started doing this and I am losing each week, grant it is not a lot, but i am losing. Good Luck, i know eveyone loses differently and what works for me may not work for you. Hope I helped.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I know how you feel!

    I lost 25 lbs on WW about 10 yrs. ago - and I was really shocked when I recently tried to duplicate that program with calories - I was eating about 800 to 900 calories a day! That is INSANE! I would never think of doing that to myself now, never! On the other hand, I am very reluctant to exceed 1200 calories when I am trying to lose - because I know it works. And I also know that if I go over that limit, I simply WILL NOT lose....

    At age 57, I have enough experience to know my body! Fortunately, the weight I am at right now is ok, it is just 4 lbs heavier than I would like. If I am going to really dedicate myself to taking off the rest, it will happen at a time when I feel prepared once again to be VIGILANT with every single lit-tle tiny thing that goes into my mouth..... It is not at all fun!

    Sending you Happy Healthy vibes.....

  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    My issue
    I'm afraid I'm not losing due to eating back exercise calories. I will go for long walks/hikes on weekends and burn 1300ish calories. If I eat back half of them I feel satisfied sometimes full! Sometimes I eat them back just because I'm afraid of falling under and my body turning to my muscle for energy. But I feel like eating them back is hurting my loss. I seem to not lose anything when i do. So do I have to eat half of them back? What does everyone else do? Especially when mfp is saying u burned 1300 or more?

    My recommendation is a recommendation another successful MFPer gave me: don't do it the MFP way. What that means is, go to a TDEE calculator like this one:

    Get your number. When I put in my age, weight, and activity level (I exercise 5 times a week), I get ~2200 for my "Total Daily Energy Expenditure" Subtract 500 from YOUR number, and that's what you should eat every day regardless of exercise.

    I started eating ~1700 calories a day and STOPPED logging exercise cals. When I put exercise into MFP, I change the "calories burned" number to 1 calorie, no matter what the exercise and activity. I keep up my exercising 5 times a week, but I don't log any of those calories. I stay consistent eating 1700-1750 calories per day no matter what I burn doing exercise.

    It has only been a week, but I already lost weight. For me, this method is more accurate because I don't have a heart rate monitor and I completely stalled on my weight loss for 2 months. How frustrating!

    PM me if you have any questions.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    Well you're quit possibly are doing metobolic damage repair- 950 calories is obscenely low- how long were you eating that low??

    What is your goal weight?

    Are you weighing everything??

    How are you confirming your calorie burns? MFP is guilty of over estimating burns- 1300 sounds like a LOT of burn.

    it's a very common problem for people to over estimate their calorie burns and under estimate their food calories.

    I started weight watchers 6 years ago and would do it for a few months then stop because it was so hard to follow. So maybe about 6 months out of each year. This most recent time it was three months. I weigh or measure everything I eat with the exception of like nutrigrain bars and stuff like that we're the nutrition is per unit. As far as measuring my burns I use mfp to calculate it based off minutes. That's why I was following eating half back. Since a lot of people say it overestimates my burn.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    In addition to your long walks, maybe add in some muscle building activities. Keep it simple....squats and lunges for lower body, pushups and dips for upper body, and crunches, sit ups and planks for core. There are tons of workouts on Pinterest....If you google the 7 minute workout, that's a great one too...just do it at least 3 times in one workout, and you'll be on your way to building muscle. Plus, if you do plyometrics for your lower body or add in some cardio activities like jumping jacks, high knees, squat jumps, you'll get in some good cardio too. Be sure to eat enough protein and enough calories to help your body use these activities to build muscle. This may make you gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat, but your body will be getting smaller. Don't expect results takes time for change like this to happen in your body...I've been doing a boot camp type class 3 times a week for 5 years, and it has completely changed my body. It didn't happen overnight, but consistency really pays off! Good luck to you! You can do it!

    I just completed the 30day shred which is circuit training with strength and plan to start ripped in 30. Should I add more strength to that? Maybe it's not enough?
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    You are my weight and height, give or take an inch or two. MFP has me at 1200 calories, and I don't eat back all my exercise calories. If I go over the 1200 calories per day that MFP has me on it is under 200 calories. I just started doing this and I am losing each week, grant it is not a lot, but i am losing. Good Luck, i know eveyone loses differently and what works for me may not work for you. Hope I helped.

    If I put sedentary then it recommends 1200. I was thinking of trying that for a while. I am a service working in a school so i do sit some but I walk a bit too. I went with lightly active since I do not site for hours once I'm home haha. Maybe the 1200 would help
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    I know how you feel!

    I lost 25 lbs on WW about 10 yrs. ago - and I was really shocked when I recently tried to duplicate that program with calories - I was eating about 800 to 900 calories a day! That is INSANE! I would never think of doing that to myself now, never! On the other hand, I am very reluctant to exceed 1200 calories when I am trying to lose - because I know it works. And I also know that if I go over that limit, I simply WILL NOT lose....

    At age 57, I have enough experience to know my body! Fortunately, the weight I am at right now is ok, it is just 4 lbs heavier than I would like. If I am going to really dedicate myself to taking off the rest, it will happen at a time when I feel prepared once again to be VIGILANT with every single lit-tle tiny thing that goes into my mouth..... It is not at all fun!

    Sending you Happy Healthy vibes.....


    4 lbs away is great. ???? Best wishes to you too! Glad to hear that someone else switched from WW for same reason and is doin good!
  • NotJustADieter
    NotJustADieter Posts: 229 Member
    Simply put- if you're eating above your BMR and below your TDEE, you should NOT eat back exercise calories. So find those out - here's a link - and adjust your daily calories accordingly.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    Simply put- if you're eating above your BMR and below your TDEE, you should NOT eat back exercise calories. So find those out - here's a link - and adjust your daily calories accordingly.

    That is giving me Bmr of 1397 (87 higher than the 1310 I've been doing and tdee of 2043. I'd probably be sick if I ate that much lol. At 1310 I was trying hard to make it to that number each day.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Simply put- if you're eating above your BMR and below your TDEE, you should NOT eat back exercise calories. So find those out - here's a link - and adjust your daily calories accordingly.

    That is giving me Bmr of 1397 (87 higher than the 1310 I've been doing and tdee of 2043. I'd probably be sick if I ate that much lol. At 1310 I was trying hard to make it to that number each day.

    If you do it, it'll work better than what you're doing now (which isn't working for you which is why you started this thread) So, either you try it for at LEAST 4 weeks to see if you get any positive results, or you keep doing what you're doing and know for a fact you will continue to stall on your weight loss. The decision is yours, we're just giving you helpful ways that work for us and many others here on MFP.

    Good day :flowerforyou:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Simply put- if you're eating above your BMR and below your TDEE, you should NOT eat back exercise calories. So find those out - here's a link - and adjust your daily calories accordingly.

    That is giving me Bmr of 1397 (87 higher than the 1310 I've been doing and tdee of 2043. I'd probably be sick if I ate that much lol. At 1310 I was trying hard to make it to that number each day.

    so shoot for 1500 - that's a reasonable number to aim for- and it's above BMR and below TDEE.

    You get used to eating more- and you can also chose higher calorie options that are less filling (soda? ice cream- oreo's beer- pizza)

    Very few people should be eating 1200 as maintenance or even for loss-you have to be very tiny for that to be a healthy goal.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I am one of the tiny ones.... It's funny - I did all the TDEE stuff etc.... and you know what the result was? 1200 calories.... :grumble:
    You know what maintenance is? 1260 calories..... :grumble: You know what I am? HUNGRY!!!! Hahahahahahaha! You have to just laugh sometimes! All the best to all of us!!!! We are all trying our best!
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Simply put- if you're eating above your BMR and below your TDEE, you should NOT eat back exercise calories. So find those out - here's a link - and adjust your daily calories accordingly.

    That is giving me Bmr of 1397 (87 higher than the 1310 I've been doing and tdee of 2043. I'd probably be sick if I ate that much lol. At 1310 I was trying hard to make it to that number each day.

    I'm 34, 5'3 currently 126. I started going to the gym 2 years ago (doing only cardio) at about 139. I dropped from a size 8 to a 6 in over a year of cardio alone. In just over 6 months, I dropped from a 6 to a 4 through lifting weights (and a little less cardio). MFP has me set at 1450 cals (I think I still have it set to loss .5lb a week). I eat back almost all of my exercise calories every day. I generally eat between 1800-2000 cals a day and am still at 126.

    The biggest difference for me during the 6 months I went from a 6 to a 4...weights and measuring my food with a scale. Counting calories and cardio will only get you so far. If I had to do it over again, I would have started lifting weights earlier.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    On second thought, I'm going to try the TDEE method. I don't know if that will give me more consistent results, but it's worth a try. Besides, it took me a good half hour to figure out how to unlink Fitbit and MapMyRide. I can't let that go to waste.
  • mlk0812
    mlk0812 Posts: 19
    your burning 1300 calories? That seems really high. Are you walking over 13 miles or something?