2day and looking for good ways to do this life change

So this my 2day and so far am really likeing this. Looking for some people that would like to chat about ways they do there things and good idieas too. Im to this but not only that im new ti where i live and so it has been though not haveing many friends around here. We moved in dec. and my weight just went up and up after we moved, :wink:


  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Tamtastic...Before and After! Search this post. I just read her post....search her out and read it!!! She lost 135 lbs. It was very inspiring to me because I feel the same way about a lot of food. The tip I would give you is to start small...don't do everything at once or you will get burn out. First, I stopped snacking after dinner. Then I started logging everything I ate and worked hard each day to stay under calories (I also stopped snacking on junk and started searching out snacks I like: apples, laughing cow cheese, low fat Ritz crackers, vegetables). Next, I started working out everyday. I was doing the elliptical about 4x a week, well now I do it everyday. I was home over last summer and did swimming and 30 Day Shred, too. I now do the elliptical everyday for 25 minutes (worked my way up). Some people rest a day, but I have a hard time staying under 1200 calories without exercise. I eat 1/2 or more of my exercise calories, too. Then I gave up diet soda (huge). I just stopped drinking it one day and started drinking water. I only drink my 1 non-fat no fun iced mocha in the morning and then after that just water. I don't miss the diet soda, chips, candy...none of it. If I want a treat I usually go for a non-fat frozen yogurt or Skinny Cow. I didn't stop going out or stop eating things I like. When we go out to dinner I eat 1/2 or less. I also don't eat 3 baskets of chips...might have 1/2. I hope some of this helps!!!
  • SarahBC
    SarahBC Posts: 72 Member
    I had a quick read of your profile and you mentioned that you are a hairdresser. I have alot of friends that are hairdressers and their main issues when it comes to weight is that they dont have time to eat reguarly... some even only eat breakfast and then dinner as they are consistantly on their feet all day.

    Well if that is the case just a little hint, is you need to eat every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism going, even if its little snakcs like fruit or nuts or something healthy at least your still eating on a regular basis. As soon as you go over the 3-4 hour mark your body will go into starvation mode therefore the next meal you eat will be stored away in your body and not digested, so that the next time you go into starvation mode it has something to eat off.

    Some people don't realise that 60-70% of trying to loose weight is about your eating, yes it is good to exercise, but you really need to focus on what you eat as well.
  • lizzowen
    Wow that is so amazing about Tamtastic she looks great alot of people on here do also. I just wish it was easy as snaping your fingers and be skinny but i know it dose not work that way. My wonder full husband and i both got layed off of work and had to move in with my inlaw and it took me a bit to find a salon and my husband just got a job too. So i just had looked at pictures and saw how much i had put on. But it time to work at that and hoping soon to have a house of are own cause it is hard at my inlaws there is always crap food and soda. But see all of the wonder full people that have done so good at the goals i think it will help. And yes being a hair dresser it is hard to eat when you are busy and then when you do you just eat to much crap cause it is easy to do and you are so hunger you dont care. But i went shopping and got veggs and cut them all up so i can have them ready to eat so im not just going for crap. :happy: