Ideas needed - how to lose the last five?

On January 6, I set a goal of "30 by Thanksgiving" -- lose 30 pounds and be at 30% body fat or lower. I was starting at 160 lbs and 40% body fat. Exercising everyday and changing my diet, by Easter I had lost 10, by Memorial Day 20. My % body fat got down as low as 31.5%. I was very optimistic I would reach the goal.

Unfortunately I can't seem to break the "25 pounds down threshold" or get to 30% body fat. All my friends and family say I look great and should just stop where I am, but I really want to reach my goal weight of 130 and get my body fat under 30. Any ideas on how to get there would be appreciated. I've got exactly four weeks left!


  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    Have you been trying any new workouts? If you have been doing the same kinds of exercise since then your body might not be challenged anymore. Interval training is a really good way to push yourself. Have you ever heard of Insanity? Its a 60 day DVD program, but I saw big changes just in the first two weeks! But it is kind of expensive. You can just do intense intervals on any type of cardio machine. Hopefully that will help you lose the last five
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I don't know what your diet is or what your exercise level is - but I would think if you increase your exercise and reduce your calorie intake, you would lose the last five relatively quickly.

  • orange_avocado
    I agree with runner - try changing up your workouts and putting a big focus on ST. Maybe 30 Day Shred, P90X or Insanity would work for you?

    Congrats on the 25lb loss, by the way. You've come a long way, don't be discouraged!