What small accomplishment have you made recently?



  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I CHANGED my ticker....for a long time I have been content with the weight I dropped and wore it like a badge; when in fact, I need to double that drop, so I opted for a mini goal and have started a new program striving for the new me :happy:
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    34" waist 501 jeans.
  • lcm213
    lcm213 Posts: 4
    I joined this group 10 days ago. I'm still logging food and making sure I exercise 30 minutes a day. This is good for me!!!! I can do this.
  • I only have2 snickers instead of 5!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I have recently conquered running two miles. I hadn't done that in over two years!!! It feels good to exercise now! I have stopped smoking and it feels awesome! Especially when I exercise. All together, I have lost 18.5 inches from all over my body!!! Keep up the great work, everyone!!!
  • emott84
    emott84 Posts: 108
    I made a decision to re-join the local gym nearly a month ago and have managed to maintain going there on average 4 times a week! I used to go great guns on the gym for a week or two, then slack off a bit, but my motivation has remained consistent!

    I joined MFP about 10 days ago, and have been really on track with my food and exercise diaries, and am finding this a really supportive environment, even if it is a 'cyber-environment'.

    Since starting this lifestyle alteration nearly a month ago, there's been a noticeable difference in how I feel and my energy levels. In the past two weeks, I've lost 4 pounds. Which is higher than the goal I set for myself!

    4 pounds is small beans, I know, but this is really the first time I've really tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle myself so I'm loving even the small accomplishments!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    I recorded every single piece of halloween candy I put in my mouth today... wasn't going to do it b/c I only ate 3 marshmallows, 1 now and later, and 1 single sweetart. Glad I did b/c that tiny bit was well over 100 calories. I can't believe it! And I'm proud of myself that I logged it and didn't ignore it.
  • kerrera
    kerrera Posts: 43
    I ran 5k two days ago and every week i knock a few seconds and the odd minute off it and i know i can do better.
    Six months and two weeks ago i wheezed walking up the hill to drop the kids off. This is my accomplishment, i like exercise!
  • Junctionbox
    Junctionbox Posts: 47 Member
    I've always hated cardio, but joined the gym at work and tried the cross trainer and rowing machine. When I first tried the cross trainer I was aiming for 5 minutes on level 1, but fell off it in a heap after 4 minutes. Now I use it as a warm up machine, doing 10 minutes on level 4. Same for the rowing machine, I started out aiming for 2000 metres, but didn't make it passed 1300 before crawling away from it gasping for breath. Now I do 5000 metres every morning. It shouldn't surprise me, everyone has always told me you have to stick with cardio to notice an improvement, but now I actually look forward to going to the gym to see if I can up my game a little. Going every weekday I am burning off 400-500 calories before work. Weighed myself today and I've lost 8lbs in 4 weeks.
  • When I was at my highest weight, one of my dogs, pomeranian, wasn't able to lay comfortably in front of me on the couch while I watched tv. A few days ago, he wasn't feeling well and I snuggle w/ him on the couch. For the first time he wasn't trying to stay on the couch, he was comfortably beside me! That meant alot to me.

    When I lost about 10 lbs or so, it was starting to get too hot for me to want to walk outside. So, I purchased an used elliptical machine. That night I stepped on it and was astounded that I was exhausted after 3! mins of using it. Now, on the same resistance level, I can go for 30 mins. Recently, I've changed the resistance up 2 levels but have cut down the length of time in the workout. I was starting to get bored w/ it, now I feel challenged again.

    **Edited to add: I went out to lunch w/ my bf yesterday. He decided that he wanted dessert and ordered a S'more type dessert. It came w/ some strawberries and a cup of melted marshmellows and chocolate, beside that was freshly made graham cracker stips. I had 2 of the strawberries and 1/3 of One of the graham cracker strips w/ some of the marshmellow chocolate stuff on it. That was a Major test of my will-power but I done it!
  • alucard75
    alucard75 Posts: 207 Member
    I ran 6 miles for the first time since high School. I've been running about 8 to 10 miles each week
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    I lost 10 pounds this week. I'm in the beginning of my journey (3rd week) and I was losing inches and no pounds. So I'm pretty excited! I know my numbers from now on will be much smaller but anything coming off is great.
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    haha, love the snickers and that is an accomplishment!

    i have exercised everyday since Sunday and am going to keep going this whole week. Usually I take a day off but with Halloween I want to keep on track.

    Great job everyone!
  • Ever since my boyfriend and I have been together our meals have really been the downfall to my weightloss. When he is not around and I am making dinner for myself I make a great healthy meal because its just me to think about; I can have salad with tuna and feel full. When he is around for dinner I need to make a big "meat and potatoes" kind of meal - he is a chainsaw operator and spends 10 hours in the bush cutting down trees, hauling branches and carrying a chainsaw - so a girly salad just isnt going to cut it!! As a result I end up eatting the same meal as him - although in a much smaller portion, but its easy to load up on the steak and potatoes and forget about the salad.

    BUT last night I changed that! I made an awesome dinner just for him and an even awesomer (ha, yeh, I said it!) salad for me!!! It was a great small victory because I knew I could do it (I didnt even want any of his meal) and I know this is the start to getting back on track. And he was super impressed that I made a meal just for him and my own meal!

    So yep, pretty proud and happy with that!!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Ran two miles in 15:05 yesterday. 15 seconds faster than two weeks ago.
  • there's been a few, actually... that I try to remind myself of to stay motivated.

    - Doing push-ups/planks don't scare me anymore. & every time I can confidently hold up my body, I'm still amazed.

    - I'm finally working out consistently, at least 5x/week.. though it's only been the past 2 weeks, it feels too good to give up

    - This year, I'm wearing a Halloween costume I really wanted to wear. I didn't care that it was short or that there weren't any sleeves (I used to be very self conscious of my arms) I almost had no party to wear it to, and it literally put me in tears because I was SO excited to finally wear what I wanted and not settle for something else. Needless to say, I'm throwing my own party with my friends! lol

    Hopefully more small accomplishments to lead to bigger ones coming soon!
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I burned over 2000 calories at the gym last night, which hasn't happened in a while.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,546 Member
    I have 3, all food related!

    1. Bought the Halloween candy on Wednesday and I haven't opened the bags or had one piece yet.

    2. Son had a major swim meet yesterday, spent all morning sitting in the hot sun (it's Florida-it's still hot!) and during the break between pre-lims and finals, I went and worked out. Then, when the meet was over at 8:30 last night and my husband and my kids were clamoring for Chick Fil A I went to the drive through, got them Chick Fil A and I came home and made a really big, filling salad. (Boy, I wanted that shake though)

    3. Went out to lunch with friends today to one of my favorite restaurants. Ordered my favorite sandwich but changed the bread to whole wheat from focaccia, only ate half of the bread and boxed up half of the sandwich to go. Also drank 8 glasses of water while sitting there-my friends thought I had a problem!
  • frankbo25
    frankbo25 Posts: 206 Member
    I have noticed that my cardio strength has greatly improved since Ive lost weight and have been doing P90x. I have never been able to run for more than a few seconds my entire life even when I was a skinny little kid. I can sustain a run for 3-5 minutes now , I know thats not a lot but for me its tremendous. I have had chronic asthma for all my life so I thought that was the only reason I would lose my breath so fast but it was only partly to blame. Also when I moved into my apartment in May I wold have a real hard time climbing the stairs to the 3rd floor but now I will run up them sometimes, just because I can!
  • I've had a HUGE bowl of halloween candy here for almost 2 weeks now and only managed to sneak 3 pieces within that time. :laugh: Can't really say that I have a sweet tooth anymore. :smile:
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