Any other college students out there?

It is soooo hard to eat well in school, PLUS find time between studies and all the other crap we have to do to get to the gym. How do you manage it?


  • nikki91950
    i'm totally a college student! it's definitely not easy. sometimes you just have to change your priorities. do you really have to be in that sorority? do you really have to go to that party? or do you really have to spend all night in the library studying? lol. there's no easy trick to it all, that's for sure.
  • ntp0826
    ntp0826 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm a grad student so I'm definitely on a tight schedule. What works for me is making time to work out. Kind of like an appointment and I put it in my planner. I also budget for healthy food and eating out less has def helped my wallet! Even with the stress of preparing a thesis, I've still managed to stay on track. Its a commitment but just think about the rewards afterward!
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member

    I totally feel you! It is def a challenge! I try to do my workout early in the morning. That way it is out of the way! You can do it! I gained seven pounds despite attempting to eat right and excercise, and now working on taking it off and them some! Its a challenge to say the least! Stick with it though!
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    im a college student.. i've found that planning my meals for the week in advance helps me - i tend to stick with similar things for the week that i know don't affect my stomach too bad but give me enough energy and keep me feeling full, i also make sure i have some dried fruit with me that i can nibble on - at the minute im going through a sultana/raisen phase which keeps me away from the chocolate and crisps :)
  • wh0a_is_me
    I'll be honest - this year, I don't have a huge workload, though working, going to school, and being in a relationship really make it hard to juggle things. Like someone else said, I make working out a priority. It's easier for me now because I do the days/times I go are set. But, you can do the same with planning on when you're going to the gym. Set what days & what times, and don't let yourself put it off. Get yourself into a routine.

    As far as food goes - that definitely sucks. This semester and last semester I have days where I'm at school literally ALL day.. 10-12 hours. I usually bring a sandwich with me that won't go bad - and then a lot of fruit and a container of yogurt. I avoid bringing money with me so I won't be tempted to buy junk from the cafe or vending.

    & It's ironic, cause today I just tried Healthy Choices' Mixers.. it's microwavable but doesn't need to be frozen - we have a Microwave in the cafe, so it was perfect, and tasted really good!

    It's definitely exhausting. These past couple of weeks are the first ones I'm really sticking to my workouts & dieting.. and it's tiring, physically and mentally. But give yourself days to rest and regain your sanity, because it's worth it! Good luck!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Hey there, I'm a junior. Doing 15 hours this semester, living on campus, and I work out 6 days a week. It's all about priority and getting into a routine. Eating healthy is definitely a challenge, but it is manageable.
  • lauramorris85
    I'm a college student in Stephenville, TX and I just found this on a friends iphone and decided to try it out. Only on my 2nd day though. It it definitely tough to find time to work out and better yet, eat right. It's much easier when mom isn't there to fix your dinner to run to Mcdonalds or Taco Bell. And here, they have a restaurant called Montana which has the most amazing cheddar fries LOL Totally fattening. I blame those cheddar fries for much of my weight gain. But I hope to work some of it off and get back down to my ideal weight.

    I'm 25 years old, a senior accounting major from Henderson, TX. (North East Texas) Currently, I'm weighin in around 150 and want to be at 120.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm a grad student, and I find that it's much more flexible than my undergrad was. Having said that, it's still really important to get good at time management, so you can set aside time each day to do some exercise. It will help so much! I remember feeling guilty if I skipped a workout because I had so much school to do. I could never really fully concentrate on my studies because I was thinking about working out!

    It's also a good idea to take breaks while you are doing work, and doing some small bursts of exercise!

  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    I'm a college student and I agree with everyone else- it is not easy. For me, it's a constant struggle but I am a creature of habit and I need structure and routine. If my life gets chaotic and I'm unable to eat well and exercise, everything is about 5000 times more stressful. Being healthy is a HUGE priority for me.
  • mamxo22
    mamxo22 Posts: 84
    okay i understand where your coming from totally!!! my college has a gym for students and it just so happens that two of my friends have classes at the same time i do (10am) every monday wednesday and friday. so we go to the gym. now you have to wake up exttra early but its always worth it!!!! we go around 8:00 and get maybe an hour in a half in and then go to class. its a really great way to start your day. also if you have any time in between classes( i have a whole hour) i go to the gym and do some weights so i wont sweat to much.

    as far as eating healthy it is a serious challenge but my school does have some "simply to go" healthy sandwiches and salads and fruit cups. or i just pack my own lunch.
  • sewele
    sewele Posts: 27

    I'm a college student and an athlete for my school (club rugby but still competitive). What I do is me and my roommate go together instead of going out some nights. Usually I pack a bag and go in between classes or right after my classes for the day. You just take any time you can get and make it work for you... Also if you live with people take turns cooking dinner one night a week for everyone. Also wash your dishes by hand and take all the stairs you can, park the farthest point away from your class and plan for that extra walking time.. The little things add up.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    yah its hard to eat as a college student but if you do have to go out you can pick healthier like idk this kinda helped me a little the previous thing i used to get at taco bell was like almost 1000 calories this article like helped me out 2 fresco tacos and beans bam 400 calories ish its a good site :)
  • ToniMaybe
    You all obviously live at much nicer colleges than me. I can't afford a car at school, so I've already got the walking thing covered. But as far as eating goes, we have one dining hall, and what they serve is what you get, pretty much. I can't afford an apartment, so cooking is out of the option, too. Also, since my school is in the middle of nowhere, I do not have access to a grocery store without a car. Maybe I should just transfer :-p
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    Im also a college student! I think the best thing to do for working out is schedule times in your daily routine and even if your stressed out go work out during those times treat it like another class that you have to go to! the whole eating healthy thing is were i have toubles! its so much easier to just go to taco bell or mcdonalds with some friends than cook something! but thats probably why most college students gain weight! so what i try to do is only buy healthy foods and plan out what im going to have for meals that day so if a friend asks me to go somewhere and eat i can say no cuz i already know what im going to eat.
  • ambearlynn
    I'm a college student too and it's definitely rough. Last year I fit in working out a lot more, but now, my classes are a lot tougher and I spend all of my time studying. I'm trying to get some workouts in this semester, but next semester I'm just going to make it part of my schedule as if it is a class. I don't have classes until 12:30 three days and the other two I have a 9:30, but thats it, so I will have a lot more time to get some work outs in.

    The dining courts on campus are a huge downfall for me too. Although there are healthy choices, it's so much more appetizing to just grab the not so healthy, tasty food. I'm working on changing that though.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I'm a college student too and it's definitely rough. Last year I fit in working out a lot more, but now, my classes are a lot tougher and I spend all of my time studying. I'm trying to get some workouts in this semester, but next semester I'm just going to make it part of my schedule as if it is a class. I don't have classes until 12:30 three days and the other two I have a 9:30, but thats it, so I will have a lot more time to get some work outs in.

    The dining courts on campus are a huge downfall for me too. Although there are healthy choices, it's so much more appetizing to just grab the not so healthy, tasty food. I'm working on changing that though.

    Everything you mentioned is exactly what you need to do. Just got to make sure you follow through with it. Good Luck!
  • hmsteph
    I'm right there with you guys. It is very challenging. I especially find campus dining to be the worst even the "healthy" options are chocked full of sugar. I have found that packing a lunch is the way to go. I am new to this so there as been a lot of trial and error but I have done the best so far with carrying my own water. I also like the nutrisystem soups that are around 120 calories and don't have to be kept cold. They fit in the my backpack and are really easy to heat up. They are small though so frequent small but healthy snacks have worked the best for me.