Help, I am eating and I cannot stop!

I need help... I am addicted to sweets and cannot seem to break it. I have been using the beyond principles for several years and love it. The problem I have is that when I am sleepy or stressed I eat junk; candies, cookies what ever I can find that is full of all of the stuff I do not want to put into my body. I do not have any of this at home so it is no problem there but at work it is readily available and I cannot ask them to not have it in the office. I will go a day or two and avoid the temptation but then wham it hits me and I binge. I will eat until I am sick and then still eat more. It is like I smell it then I cannot stop thinking about it until I have to have it. I try to say ok, just one piece. But I know that just one piece is never enough and that starts the binge. I have tried distracting myself but that doesn't work, I have tried eating a healthy snack but I still want the bad stuff and will give in even when I am not hungry. I have a pretty high metabolism because I am not over weight. I only have about 15 pounds to lose to be at my goal weight. What am I missing?


  • sophieR12
    sophieR12 Posts: 43
    What you need to do is a scientific technique called "behavior control
    Its simple style is based upon the reward punishment principle and is adapted to each individual's dietary hang ups.
    Here's how it can work for you

    step 1: you are confronted with a STIMULUS- a cookie

    Step 2: The stimulus initiates a RESPONSE- you reach for the cookie

    Step 3: At that moment, you visualize an unpleasant thought (a PUNISHMENT), such as an overweight person with YOUR face.

    Step 4: Instead of the cookie you reach for a piece of fruit that you like (a DESIRED behavior)

    Step 5: Then you have a pleasant thought- a REWARD- such as a slim, youthful looking you n front of a mirror

    fingers crossed :)
  • sophieR12
    sophieR12 Posts: 43
    Also you need a distraction technique that draws you away from thinking about sweets etc, you are only craving them because you know you can't have them, im the same as am giving up smoking and the above technique is working so far
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    I will go a day or two and avoid the temptation but then wham it hits me and I binge. I will eat until I am sick and then still eat more. It is like I smell it then I cannot stop thinking about it until I have to have it. I try to say ok, just one piece. But I know that just one piece is never enough and that starts the binge. I have tried distracting myself but that doesn't work, I have tried eating a healthy snack but I still want the bad stuff and will give in even when I am not hungry. I have a pretty high metabolism because I am not over weight. I only have about 15 pounds to lose to be at my goal weight. What am I missing?

    I haven't looked at your diary so I don't know what kind of foods you're taking in. Maybe you're eating too little or you're not getting enough of a certain nutrient that your body is just dying for, which is what gives you those cravings.

    However, because you're eating until it makes you sick when you binge, I'm wondering if there isn't something else going on here, mentally. Are there any nagging issues that you've been dealing/struggling with for a long period of time? I'm just wondering what's making you eat eat eat until you can't eat any more.
  • mransom1970
    mransom1970 Posts: 26 Member
    Megan, I have been wondering the same thing!

    I know I eat enough, and on my good days my stats are perfect. I just cannot keep them up for long...
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I used to binge like you described. What helped me to stop overeating and binging is the method described in Geneen Roth's book, Breaking Free From Emotional Eating. I have all sorts of treats at home, such as icecream, MnMs, Chocolate chips, cookies, chocolate bars. I eat socially (restaurant, party, potluck, etc) about 3-4 times per week. I am a good baker and I like to bake things like cakes and cookies. I eat treats, but in small amounts, such as 5 chocolate cihps or 6 MnMs. I used to eat 2 dozen cookies in an evening. Now I am satisfied with 1, or sometimes I break off about 1/4 of a cookie and I'm happy with that.
  • pjarellano
    pjarellano Posts: 18
    It is good you are working on keeping control. You should really take the time to write down why you think you need that candy. Look at it as a person with a drinking problem. A recovering alcoholic knows one is one too many. For the same reason. One leads to another. Have you tried to go in and brush your teeth and use a strong mouthwash to rinse with? I know it is strange. But have you tasted a good candy on top of mouthwash? Some how it never taste good. It may be just enough of a deterrent to get you past the craving. I haven't worked in a office in years. But one thing I can say for sure. I had the freshest breath in the place. The work place is full of pit falls
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I keep pickles handy allllllllll the time. When a sweet craving hits I reach for a midget dill pickle or 4 :drinker: I find that kills the sweet craving that's going on and doesnt add calories or fat. It has worked for me for a long time and I love pickles anyway so it's a win win.

    I wish you much luck and continued success on this journey you're on, it's not easy but you CAN do it...we ALL can
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    Don't keep them in the house. That's a trigger. When you need, make yourself go out to get them each time.

    When you are out and need to have one, make yourself do an exercise before each one (unless it's something like M&M's, do those do in small increments, or if it's big, do a serving size.

    That way even if you do eat them, you'll earn it back. You'll also think about whether you want to do the exercise. You may feel a little silly dropping to the floor for push-ups before a cookie, but it will make you think about whether you want a cookie. And, if you do, you can feel like it's something you earned it.

    Also, be sure to hydrate. Dehydration is mistaken for hunger a lot. It'll make you want to eat more if you are.
  • Fattygasted
    Fattygasted Posts: 22 Member
    I have been told that things that you eat can trigger sweet cravings. Also the technique that was mentioned does work because it keeps you aware of the decisions you make and prevents you from mindless eating. At least you know that the reason you are reaching for these things is because you are tired. Good Luck