B12 Shots



  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    as I said in a recent thread on this topic,I work in a Dr's surgery - we have many patients on B12 injections, most for pernicious anaemia and a few for CFS .

    The patients are various shapes and sizes, by no means all slim or even a healthy weight.

    If you have no energy, you need to find the cause first - B12 will only help if the cause is pernicious anaemia or CFS.
    It will do nothing at all for losing weight.

    I second this!

    I have anemia and impaired B-12 absorption, I get B-12 shots every 3 months. The shots themselves haven't aided in my weight loss but the combination of having them and having my anemia under control definitely does!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I have gotten the B complex shot, never just B12.
    I love it! It was suggested to me (yes, by my doctor) to help with morning sickness and other pregnancy symptoms. I have gotten a few throughout this pregnancy and they help so much - with morning sickness, with energy, with hormones and moods and really just overall makes me feel good.
    Now, I have tried 2 different kinds - the chemical version and the naturally derived version. The chemical one made me more sick and made me feel like crap. The natural one is amazing!