The 5:2 Diet

Hey everyone,

I don't want any negative comments regarding intermittent fasting.. each to their own and I understand some people will not like this concept or understand it or believe in it etc.

Just curious if there are any of you out there that have tried 5:2 or currently do 5:2?

And if so, what has your weight loss, inch loss and body fat percentage loss been like on this plan?

Thank you.


  • ath459
    ath459 Posts: 10
    It works. Just be careful when fasting and working out. Might be good to take a vegan protein like RAW brand. I've met some fasters who have a pill intake of a 85 year old - Protein, D, B12, Iron and Calcium.

    Just be careful, and follow your body's warning signs. It can have the opposite effect or risk your health if not done right... If done right it can work. I met someone who did that and lost about 2 inches (and they weren't that big to begin with).
  • lozzieemayjenkins
    lozzieemayjenkins Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you :)

    I've chosen Monday and Wednesday as my fasting days, and on those days I won't be exercising as their my busy days with work and my son.

    But I'll be working out the other 5 days of the week, a mixture of weight training and cardio. And I have a good Optimum Nutrition 2:1:1 recovery whey protein shake :)
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I actually just started this -- had my first fast day yesterday. And I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was. I thought I was really going to struggle, but nope. I started to feel it in the last 3-4 hours of my 24 hour fast (I kept all 500 calories for dinner) -- little lightheaded, small headache, but pretty minor. I also didn't do any heavy workouts -- just walking. I kept my heavy lifting and HIIT sessions for feed days (like tonight). I also eat Primal (more permissive version of Paleo) and dinner tasted FANTASTIC last night. Even that first fast day showed me how much I was eating when I really wasn't hungry -- but being cued by other things.

    It's obviously way too soon to see any results, but I like the theories and evidence I've ready about intermittent fasting and am interested to see the results from creating a weekly deficit through this manner.
  • ath459
    ath459 Posts: 10
    Whey is okay. When I wasn't vegan I had whey, but I recommend the RAW brand only because I've felt its repairing effects more and its less processed nonsense. I recommend you experiment a little bit to try to get the optimal recovery. I would also exceed the protein intake that MFP recommends to you on days after fasting. Its all about recovery.

    Ohh and please drink lots and lots of water. I'd hate to see a post from you a few weeks from now "How not to faint when fasting." Haha.
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    Please explain to me what exactly this is.
  • ath459
    ath459 Posts: 10
    Ohhh, sorry. Also, cut (or monitor) your sodium levels as well. thats very important. ;)
  • melaniedsm
    melaniedsm Posts: 55
    Are there any rules other than eating your normal calorie burn 5 days a week and eating 1/4 your calories burn two other non-consecutive days?
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Please explain to me what exactly this is.

    Is this program based on intermittent fasting. The idea is that two days of week (non-consecutive), you eat only 500 calories (or 600 if you're a man -- or 25% of your TDEE). Some divide it up into two small meals, some keep a longer fast period and keep all the calories for dinner. Then on the other 5 days you eat your TDEE. Some say to count some say not to count. I personally am going to track to be sure.

    The idea is that you create a weekly deficit from those two fast days rather than a consistent restriction every day. And there is science out there showing benefits of fasting -- improvement of insulin sensitivity being one of them! Many find it just an easier way to eat.
  • sunshine4040
    sunshine4040 Posts: 29 Member
    This post actually just got me interested enough to check it out. I am curious enough I think I may give it a try and see if it helps the next time I plateau for forever.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Are there any rules other than eating your normal calorie burn 5 days a week and eating 1/4 your calories burn two other non-consecutive days?

    5 days a week eat at your maintenance, and 2 at 500 a day. Pretty much eat whatever you want on any of those days as it goes by strictly calories.

    and you can do consecutive if you want.

    I found the 4:3 to be easier to get into the rythm.

    Another eason I love it is that life happens. Parties, Holidays. Catered meal at work. Date night at a nice restuarant. Etc.

    Those make an UP/feast/eat day. When everone was fretting about diff holidays or parties or whatever if you are on IF you dont have to worry neary as much
  • slimflo76
    slimflo76 Posts: 16 Member
    I have recently started fasting 5:2, I have chosen this system as I enjoy eating out at weekends and I struggle to keep within my calorie limits then. I find it quite easy, opting for a modest breakfast like an egg with mushroom and tomato, fruit for lunch and fish and vegetables for dinner. I drink lots of water and herbal teas while I am doing it. I find being quite strict for a day easy to cope with and I always feel great the next day. Exercise wise I have had no problems, but I haven't been doing mega workouts on those days just a general trying to be as active as possible like the rest of the week. Its too early for results yet but I do feel like its working.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have recently started fasting 5:2, I have chosen this system as I enjoy eating out at weekends and I struggle to keep within my calorie limits then. I find it quite easy, opting for a modest breakfast like an egg with mushroom and tomato, fruit for lunch and fish and vegetables for dinner. I drink lots of water and herbal teas while I am doing it. I find being quite strict for a day easy to cope with and I always feel great the next day. Exercise wise I have had no problems, but I haven't been doing mega workouts on those days just a general trying to be as active as possible like the rest of the week. Its too early for results yet but I do feel like its working.

    Have you tried saving all your cals for dinner? Or do you find dividing up like that isn't so bad?

    I just wonder because I've been holding all mine for dinner because I thought eating just little bits through the day would leave me quite hungry and was wondering about your experience with it.
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    Calories in vs. calories out.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Calories in vs. calories out.
    and ultimately that is all it is. Just a way to create a deficit each week/month.

    Some reduce calories every day or you can do it this way and severly cut them 2-3 a week and eat at maintenance the rest. I find this way much easier but to each their own
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have recently started fasting 5:2, I have chosen this system as I enjoy eating out at weekends and I struggle to keep within my calorie limits then. I find it quite easy, opting for a modest breakfast like an egg with mushroom and tomato, fruit for lunch and fish and vegetables for dinner. I drink lots of water and herbal teas while I am doing it. I find being quite strict for a day easy to cope with and I always feel great the next day. Exercise wise I have had no problems, but I haven't been doing mega workouts on those days just a general trying to be as active as possible like the rest of the week. Its too early for results yet but I do feel like its working.

    Have you tried saving all your cals for dinner? Or do you find dividing up like that isn't so bad?

    I just wonder because I've been holding all mine for dinner because I thought eating just little bits through the day would leave me quite hungry and was wondering about your experience with it.
    In my feast cycles I just have a few things here and there during the day. Maybe a chicken breast or a sandwich, whatever I choose (Gasp..even a candy bar which usually isnt the best use of them). one could save 500 for one meal but the way I do it, 24 hour cycles, it doesnt make quite as much sense.
  • lozzieemayjenkins
    lozzieemayjenkins Posts: 71 Member
    I actually just started this -- had my first fast day yesterday. And I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was. I thought I was really going to struggle, but nope. I started to feel it in the last 3-4 hours of my 24 hour fast (I kept all 500 calories for dinner) -- little lightheaded, small headache, but pretty minor. I also didn't do any heavy workouts -- just walking. I kept my heavy lifting and HIIT sessions for feed days (like tonight). I also eat Primal (more permissive version of Paleo) and dinner tasted FANTASTIC last night. Even that first fast day showed me how much I was eating when I really wasn't hungry -- but being cued by other things.

    It's obviously way too soon to see any results, but I like the theories and evidence I've ready about intermittent fasting and am interested to see the results from creating a weekly deficit through this manner.

    Let me know how you get on! And good luck with it :) x
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have recently started fasting 5:2, I have chosen this system as I enjoy eating out at weekends and I struggle to keep within my calorie limits then. I find it quite easy, opting for a modest breakfast like an egg with mushroom and tomato, fruit for lunch and fish and vegetables for dinner. I drink lots of water and herbal teas while I am doing it. I find being quite strict for a day easy to cope with and I always feel great the next day. Exercise wise I have had no problems, but I haven't been doing mega workouts on those days just a general trying to be as active as possible like the rest of the week. Its too early for results yet but I do feel like its working.

    I saw big jumps the first couple of weeks. Granted, much is that water weight but it is very consistant at 1.5-2/week since then. I am a bit more aggressive with doing it 3 days a week.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have recently started fasting 5:2, I have chosen this system as I enjoy eating out at weekends and I struggle to keep within my calorie limits then. I find it quite easy, opting for a modest breakfast like an egg with mushroom and tomato, fruit for lunch and fish and vegetables for dinner. I drink lots of water and herbal teas while I am doing it. I find being quite strict for a day easy to cope with and I always feel great the next day. Exercise wise I have had no problems, but I haven't been doing mega workouts on those days just a general trying to be as active as possible like the rest of the week. Its too early for results yet but I do feel like its working.

    I saw big jumps the first couple of weeks. Granted, much is that water weight but it is very consistant at 1.5-2/week since then. I am a bit more aggressive with doing it 3 days a week.

    Why do you think the first big surge would be water? Are you eating much different foods? Or were you not creating a deficit prior?
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have recently started fasting 5:2, I have chosen this system as I enjoy eating out at weekends and I struggle to keep within my calorie limits then. I find it quite easy, opting for a modest breakfast like an egg with mushroom and tomato, fruit for lunch and fish and vegetables for dinner. I drink lots of water and herbal teas while I am doing it. I find being quite strict for a day easy to cope with and I always feel great the next day. Exercise wise I have had no problems, but I haven't been doing mega workouts on those days just a general trying to be as active as possible like the rest of the week. Its too early for results yet but I do feel like its working.

    I saw big jumps the first couple of weeks. Granted, much is that water weight but it is very consistant at 1.5-2/week since then. I am a bit more aggressive with doing it 3 days a week.

    Why do you think the first big surge would be water? Are you eating much different foods? Or were you not creating a deficit prior?
    When most people start a new regimine, like I did the 4:3, you tend to drink much more water than you did before. When you drink alot of water you flush your system so to speak and more water leaves. If a person who was already dieting, eating at a deficit, and then also drinking alot of water I wouldnt expect a huge loss that first week on 5:2.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have recently started fasting 5:2, I have chosen this system as I enjoy eating out at weekends and I struggle to keep within my calorie limits then. I find it quite easy, opting for a modest breakfast like an egg with mushroom and tomato, fruit for lunch and fish and vegetables for dinner. I drink lots of water and herbal teas while I am doing it. I find being quite strict for a day easy to cope with and I always feel great the next day. Exercise wise I have had no problems, but I haven't been doing mega workouts on those days just a general trying to be as active as possible like the rest of the week. Its too early for results yet but I do feel like its working.

    I saw big jumps the first couple of weeks. Granted, much is that water weight but it is very consistant at 1.5-2/week since then. I am a bit more aggressive with doing it 3 days a week.

    Why do you think the first big surge would be water? Are you eating much different foods? Or were you not creating a deficit prior?
    When most people start a new regimine, like I did the 4:3, you tend to drink much more water than you did before. When you drink alot of water you flush your system so to speak and more water leaves. If a person who was already dieting, eating at a deficit, and then also drinking alot of water I wouldnt expect a huge loss that first week on 5:2.

    Gotcha. That's what I was wondering.