If I could have done it alone, I wouldn't here a member!

Hey all,
I'm Kevin from Toronto.
I am IT Engineer and spend alot of time sitting around a PC or some form of electronics ... I love music, reading, riding my bike and also water parks!! :)

I've been gaining weight my whole life, it seems every year I get bigger. I have tried every weight lost technique under the sun but it all boils down to calories in and calories burn! this I know now, for a long time I never really took my weight seriously but after having two daughters I think I owe them to stay alive longer!
It is serious and I need help! your help! I look in the mirror and I dont like what I see , my clothes do not fit anymore, I hate going out!

Reasons I need to lose weight:
-To be and feel health
-To see my girls grow up
-To feel comfortable
-To feel confident
-To feel accepted by society
-Tot see my boxers waist line from looking down... :)

I could use a couple friends! wanna be my friend I believe that will motivate me and you besides we are here for the same reasons!!

Lets do this, Together and FOREVER!


  • kconrad1712
    kconrad1712 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome! I'm Kristina from Chicago. I, too, sit at a desk. I am a secretary and a student. I want to feel energized, teach my kids healthy habits, look better at the beach, and see my pedicure when I look down.