Knee pain and burning skin related?

Been dealing with outside knee pain for about 6 months when running. It doesn't occur until about the 3rd or 4th mile. The pain is about the size of a quarter and is painful enough that I cannot run. Like an ice pick being jammed into my knee. The pain goes away as soon as I stop and walk. If I take a few days off from running it actually seems to get worse and starts at mile 2 the first few runs.

I have noticed that right below the area I get the pain my skin is very sensitive. An area about the size of a baseball. If I bump it I gets a burning sensation. The area feels sort of numb also.

I have never connected the two but wondering if the two issues could be related.



  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    The outer knee pain may be IT Band Syndrome. Check google to see if it fits.

    Is the skin issue worse at certain times, like during running or at night, or is always the same? Is it over your calf or shin?
  • Burning feeling between shin and side of leg on outside.
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    I'd venture it's a combination of IT band syndrome and impingement of your common peroneal nerve. Start foam rolling your IT band and working on strengthening your glutes. This will more than likely take care of both problems.