Fatty Goes Running!



  • brockly25
    brockly25 Posts: 150
    welcome man :)
  • carmen1485
    Welcome. Your blog is great and I'm just about to start running again as part of my healthier new life, so I'll be keeping up with you. Or possibly not with your fancy footwear.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Hi Jake! I came across your post and checked out your blog which I love by the way! I'm not really a runner (but do all sorts of other exercise). That being said on Friday I ran for 10 mins straight which was a major accomplishment for me! I'm going to try and keep building that up and feel inspired by your attitude to it all!!
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Barefoot running?? I'll definitely check out your blog. I've been running for 25+ years and the mere mention of BF running makes me cringe.

    Welcome to MFP Jake

  • AdventureVia
    AdventureVia Posts: 84 Member
    haha yeah barefoot running is different for sure but there is all kinds of science out there now showing how the barefoot style is healthier on your whole body and much less jarring on your knees, ankles and feet. It is quite a transition though from comfy padded shoes to minimalist footgear. I strained my right foot late last week by doing too much too fast and I have to wait for it to heal before I can keep going but I love the barefoot style and it makes way more sense than landing on your heels. Look into it!
    This is a great page for explaining the why's