cardio+core work+deficit = flat tummy?

Just wondering if I had a small deficit while doing the 30 day shred, which I read here is like cardio, and some ab work can I get a flatter tummy? That's honestly all I want. I know one must drop overall bf but was wondering if this is a good plan.


  • quest67
    quest67 Posts: 94
  • quest67
    quest67 Posts: 94
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    Good question OP
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    Good place to start!
    You might want to throw in some other resistance training as well. The more you can do at the gym, the more reasons there are to go!!!
  • natashabefit
    All I want is a flat tummy. Thx jason
  • Midori_i
    Midori_i Posts: 91 Member
    A flat tummy is all I want too. Sadly, I already have relatively low body fat, am toned and flab-free everywhere else, do a ton of core and eat a (albeit small) deficit.

    Still a pooch. I'm pretty sure that my genes are determined that I'll never ever have a flat tummy - unless I become anorexic or have surgery. But the tummy did get smaller through all my efforst, so I guess there is SOMETHING it will do for you!
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    Slight deficit + LISS (preferably mornings) + HIIT + Strength resistance training.

    I think this is the winning formula.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Slight deficit + LISS (preferably mornings) + HIIT + Strength resistance training.

    I think this is the winning formula.


    And just to finish it off, I'll add 'posture' into the mix
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    flat tummy=calorie deficit.

    That's it...
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    Slight deficit + LISS (preferably mornings) + HIIT + Strength resistance training.

    I think this is the winning formula.


    And just to finish it off, I'll add 'posture' into the mix

    Yep agree with you there - definitely makes a difference.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Your fat is predisposed to store around your tum. Ensure a deficit and you'll get it. Slowly but surely. K-I-S-S.
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    LISS cardio is Low Intensity Steady State. This is running about 65-75% of your max-hr for an extended period of time (45 minutes usually). For most people this means a slow jog or very fast walk.

    + 3x heavy lifting / week aka resistance training
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Slight deficit + LISS (preferably mornings) + HIIT + Strength resistance training.

    I think this is the winning formula.

    just one thing - LISS.... why probably mornings? Surely time of exercise has no relevance
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    A flat tummy is all I want too. Sadly, I already have relatively low body fat, am toned and flab-free everywhere else, do a ton of core and eat a (albeit small) deficit.

    Still a pooch. I'm pretty sure that my genes are determined that I'll never ever have a flat tummy - unless I become anorexic or have surgery. But the tummy did get smaller through all my efforst, so I guess there is SOMETHING it will do for you!

    Post like these scare me that I too shall never get one :(
  • natashabefit
    A flat tummy is all I want too. Sadly, I already have relatively low body fat, am toned and flab-free everywhere else, do a ton of core and eat a (albeit small) deficit.

    Still a pooch. I'm pretty sure that my genes are determined that I'll never ever have a flat tummy - unless I become anorexic or have surgery. But the tummy did get smaller through all my efforst, so I guess there is SOMETHING it will do for you!

    Post like these scare me that I too shall never get one :(

    Same here :(
  • natashabefit
    flat tummy=calorie deficit.

    That's it...

    Really? There are no exercises?
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    When I was under 45 years old, it was easy for me to diet and exercise and get a flat tummy. Now that I'm 58 I'm having trouble getting rid of the tummy.
  • Elektrolyfe
    Elektrolyfe Posts: 151 Member
    I rely mostly on a calorie deficit to get a shredded stomach, no cardio. All my core work gets hit by compound lifts so I don't bother doing a dedicated ab day.