Have I Hit the Dreaded Plateau? Arrgh!

Hello Everyone,
6ft Female, Since my WJ begin on January 21 of this year I have lost 44 Pounds exactly (20kg). I did lose weight last year about 22 Pounds but stopped due to family issues. Thank God I didn't gain it all back so in total I have lost 66 Pounds. I have exactly 66 pounds before I get to my goal weight.

Now I had been losing about 1 kg and a bit per week but for the past few weeks its been all over the place. I mean I will just manage to lose a kilo or it will stall for a week then all of a sudden go down overnight? It's frustrating me. I am so proud of how far I have come but I'm only half way there. For the workout side of things I workout 5 Days a week doing Strength Training (Milk) 3 days per week and cardio 5 days a week. I make sure to vary HIIT like on Monday I will do HIIT sprinting on the treadmill then on tuesday I will do HIIT on the elliptical then Wednesday HIIT on the bike. I also jog 20-30 minutes per day and do Yoga/Pilates mix every second day. I feel like I have been slacking a bit lately which probably has cause the slow down.

Also, When did you guys Plateau in your WLJ?
Also Is losing 9 Inches of Waist and Hips reasonable?
