tricep bar for squats

Im now at a gym instead of my bootcamp classes and im using dumbells for all of my workouts cause im not sure about barbells. Im currently using a 35lb db for goblet squats .im able to do 3 sets of 10 so i know i need to move up but i cant hold more. I did some barbell squats in a bodypump class the weight was ridiculously low cause it was my first time but i did notice it was hard to maintain my correct position and my spine bone felt bruised. I have substantial traps and can make the shelf but i have limited shoulder wrist mobility lss lots of arthritis. So i see this guy using what i found out was a triceps bar to do his squats ,i asked him what the benefit was and anyway i tried it and it worked well for me. He held it with hands facing each other and keep elbows in tight, i figure i can get at least to 50lbs using this. They have one of the squat machines but ive read so much bad about them on here i dont want to it use. Any thoughts on this or other suggestions, o he also said some people use them for deadlifts which is one exercise i have zero experience with.


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Do you mean a neutral grip bar (like a rectangle with two handles in the middle)?

    No reason you cant use them for squats, its just like using a dumbbell or kettlebell, you can just add weight progressively with a bar. The movement will be a type of front squat, which is very good for quad strength.

    I think front squats and goblet squats are a great exercise in general, and great for beginners just learning how to squat with weight as it forces you to remain quite upright.

    This, in my opinion, is a better option than using the smith machine... though almost anything is better than the smith machine...

    I would not use these bars for deadlifts though! The way the load would be positioned in relation to your body would put unnecessary force on your lower back. Use a straight barbell (or a trap bar) for deads.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    I had to google it to find out what it was called i thought at first a swiss bar but its not its called a triceps bar .the guy didnt know the weight of it empty so thats what i was looking up, it is 23 lbs.