seeking weight-loss and encouragement

Hi, I'm new to the forum. You can call me Petunia. I am middle aged with a mild disability that restricts the type of exercise I can do to manage type 2 diabetes and permanent hypothyroidism as a result of having my thyroid removed.

Add to that a sedentary full-time job, and I've got my work cut out for me! I lost 25 lbs about a year ago following an animal free diet; but found the amount of carbs to be detrimental to controlling my diabetes. I have officially gained that weight back, so it's time to figure this out - to find the right balance of nutrition to allow my body to thrive, loose weight, and then find my maintenance level of food and activity.

I can walk on an elliptical or treadmill, so at least I have that. Speed is not the goal, moving is. Daily.

I have a positive outlook and believe my goals are attainable - I know it's up to me to apply self-discipline and ingenuity to keep it fun.

That being said, I'm eager to meet similarly minded friends to share in the 'thrill of victory and the agony of defeat', as I am sure there will be both along the way to my goal and beyond.
