

I'm on insanity just about to start month 2 today.
I'd like to chat to people who have done it or are doing it and seeing results.

I'm 33, weigh 51.5kg and am 5'4". I normally weigh 47-48 but as of last year have not been able to be that weight. I know that sounds like very little but I am not skinny. I'm trying to burn fat and build muscle and have changed my take on exercise- use to run and x train previously.

I've been able to do insanity probably 4-5 days a week and if I missed more days a week I restarted the week from scratch.

I've seen some results on my arms - toned
But my belly which has always been quite flatish ( never a beach body) but flabby seems to be getting wider and bigger. Thighs are pretty big now ( I used to have skinny legs)

I am trying to eat 1200 calories a day with 40% protein intake.
I've started protein shakes as of a few weeks ago and have bulked up since the.

I would just like advice and support on nutriotion, insanity results and advice please


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    it amazes me that people can do insanity on 1200 cals... i was eating between 1800 and 2000 when i did it and was still ALWAYS hungry...
  • drsushi
    drsushi Posts: 4
    Well I used to only eat 2 meals a day before but proper meals.
    Never bfast cos I'm always up too early (6am) for me to eat.
    Started having half a protein shake.
    But I am so hungry on way home from work having eaten lunch at 2- by 5 I'm exhausted and starving.

    I'm finding it difficult to eat more than 1200 unless I go out