1 week till 1st 5K help

I need some advice. I typically get in 12-15 miles per week for the last 6 months. I started weights ~ 4 weeks ago.

Two weeks ago:
Got in a couple 4 mile runs @ ~36 - 37 min and a couple short 2milers. Skipped legs due to longer runs.

This past week i did the following:
Sunday: bike easy for 20 and lift weights - chest/back
Monday - tenth mile sprints, walk, repeat. did this for 2.2miles
Tuesday - off
Wednesday a.m. - ran a 3K @ 5min/Km (fast for me...i usually do a non race 5K at 27-28 min. 4 miles in 36-38min)
Wednesday eve - Walked a mile, worked legs pretty hard (guilty b/c of skipping a couple due to runs) & Abs
Thursday - very sore legs, walked easy mile, hit weights upper body (All)
Friday - PLAN to do an easy few miles depending on how legs feel. Still pretty sore.
Sat - off

Sunday - 5K trial run
M-F have no clue! this is where i need help. Should i take it easy all week or push it early and ease up with Wed or Thurs off and a light run (~2m) Fri?? What do others do the final week.


  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    You ease up. Do your last long run this weekend at a comfortable pace. You can do intervals the next day and then weights next day or bike easy to moderate the next for example and then go over the course if possible so you know what you're in for, visualize yourself finishing, know what to do if you get a side stitch and keep going with your foods and fluids. Some carbo load a little the night before; some do a light breakfast, others just do water til after the run. Good luck!

    And please do NOT wear new shoes for the race!
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    Do no running. Recovery week before the race is key.

    I've run races from 5K to marathons and I know from whence I speak.

    Take it easy this week.

    And have fun at the race. The victory is not in crossing the finish line. The victory is in getting to the starting line!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I am certainly no expert as I just ran my first (in 22 years) 5K 2 weeks ago. I did fine and I had not ever run 3.2 miles prior to the event. I had continued using the elliptical for 50 minutes once a week, and continued to walk for an hour several times a week, with a few 5-10 minutes runs interspersed in my walking. Sounds to be like you are already in great shape and I would just encourage you to do what you would normally do; and probably not do anything the day before. My 2 cents worth.......Good luck! Running with a pack of people during a 5K keeps you motivated!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Do no running. Recovery week before the race is key.

    I've run races from 5K to marathons and I know from whence I speak.

    Take it easy this week.

    And have fun at the race. The victory is not in crossing the finish line. The victory is in getting to the starting line!

    I love your quote about the victory being in getting to the starting line!!!!!!!!!!!! I will cling to that!