How do bad days affect you?

Hi, I eat really healthily and exercise 5 times a week as I have a goal I'm working towards however I'm really craving a bad day today and I was wondering if one day or eating REALLY badly will set me back that much?

Normally I eat really well but I want to go all out today and just gorge :( pizza cake ice cream lol


  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Well, the only way to know is to track it and see. Remember that overdoing it one day may lead to a temporary gain on the scale, but generally isn't going to be a large true gain. If you track what you eat today and go over your maintenance (not daily goal) calories by 1750, that could theoretically be 1/2 pound gained - 3500 would be 1 pound gained, etc.

    Finally, you keep mentioning "bad" and usually you are really "good". Maybe stop being so strict? Make the things you love work so you don't feel the need to binge and over eat. Adding a couple hundred extra calories every day is only 1400 per week and might allow you to have more of what you love and save you more calories in the end.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    One day isn't that bad, especially in the long run. Like today for instance, I'm going to a Goodbye dinner party at a restaurant/bar for a few of my co-workers who are leaving. I don't plan on restricting or thinking about nutrition... Lol. And I'm okay with it because I know this is a rare occasion for everyone at my work to gather and socialize. But anyways, if you do plan on "gorging" though, eat very slowly and actually taste and enjoy your food. Don't binge. Appreciate the food!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It will set you back some. But sometimes it's worth it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Hi, I eat really healthily and exercise 5 times a week as I have a goal I'm working towards however I'm really craving a bad day today and I was wondering if one day or eating REALLY badly will set me back that much?

    Normally I eat really well but I want to go all out today and just gorge :( pizza cake ice cream lol

    If someone ate pretty much nothing but junk food except decided one day to have some broccoli and chicken breast and go for a walk, how would that effect them? Would they suddenly be healthy and fit individuals because they decided to get some nutrition and fitness one day?

    Get out of the minutia and start looking at the bigger picture....your overall health and well being, nutrition and fitness are about what you are doing 90% of the time, not some occasional party, BBQ, over indulgence, missed workout, etc...BIG PICTURE or you're going to drown in the minutia.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Hi, I eat really healthily and exercise 5 times a week as I have a goal I'm working towards however I'm really craving a bad day today and I was wondering if one day or eating REALLY badly will set me back that much?

    Normally I eat really well but I want to go all out today and just gorge :( pizza cake ice cream lol

    You can have pizza and ice cream. If you don't want to break your diet, consider having only a slice or two with veggies on the side and just make up the extra calories over the next few days at the gym or by walking or doing yard work or something.

    If you've been consistently dieting well and staying at your goal, maybe it's time to give yourself a free pass and have a pizza party. have a margarita or two as well! You can be a real person on this diet and still be successful. One bad day once in a while will not undermine your results.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    Yesterday was the mother of all bad days for me, and I don't notice a difference (even due to excess sodium) today. I thought for sure I'd feel like a waterlogged cow this morning, but it's all good.
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    I've had days where I've had lots of treats and gone over my caloric allowance but they never had much impact on my weight loss journey. I really enjoy them and its a welcome reminder of how good some foods are and how I don't need to cut them out to still be successful!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Hi, I eat really healthily and exercise 5 times a week as I have a goal I'm working towards however I'm really craving a bad day today and I was wondering if one day or eating REALLY badly will set me back that much?

    Normally I eat really well but I want to go all out today and just gorge :( pizza cake ice cream lol

    If someone ate pretty much nothing but junk food except decided one day to have some broccoli and chicken breast and go for a walk, how would that effect them? Would they suddenly be healthy and fit individuals because they decided to get some nutrition and fitness one day?

    Get out of the minutia and start looking at the bigger picture....your overall health and well being, nutrition and fitness are about what you are doing 90% of the time, not some occasional party, BBQ, over indulgence, missed workout, etc...BIG PICTURE or you're going to drown in the minutia.

    I love this advice ^ very true words.

    I personally am a bit freaked out by having an entire DAY of indulgence. Even if it's a Saturday when I've hiked a difficult terrain and hundreds upon hundreds of stairs...had a day like that awhile back, my husband and I ate pizza, cupcakes, and I had a tenderloin sandwich the size of my two hands...I didn't gain weight, but I didn't feel great about it either...even though I was technically within my calories.

    I really enjoy planning a splurge meal and working around it...through either light meals during the rest of that day, and/or exercise. It is more satisfying when planned, for me anyway. For example last week I went out with girlfriends for Mexican and I ate very light breakfast and lunch and then had a big plate of awesome food and felt not one ounce of regret!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Hi, I eat really healthily and exercise 5 times a week as I have a goal I'm working towards however I'm really craving a bad day today and I was wondering if one day or eating REALLY badly will set me back that much?

    Normally I eat really well but I want to go all out today and just gorge :( pizza cake ice cream lol

    If someone ate pretty much nothing but junk food except decided one day to have some broccoli and chicken breast and go for a walk, how would that effect them? Would they suddenly be healthy and fit individuals because they decided to get some nutrition and fitness one day?

    Get out of the minutia and start looking at the bigger picture....your overall health and well being, nutrition and fitness are about what you are doing 90% of the time, not some occasional party, BBQ, over indulgence, missed workout, etc...BIG PICTURE or you're going to drown in the minutia.

    ^^Yep. Life goes on. Just because you're making an effort to be healthier doesn't mean that you can or should avoid the occasional indulgence. I would argue that it's good for you. I would also argue that maybe being TOO restrictive might lead you to want to binge like you're describing. Maybe if you ease off a little on "normal" days and allow a treat here and there, you wouldn't come across times when you want to gorge on pizza and cake very often. You know?

    That said, the only other caveat would be to make sure that once your day is over, get right back on track. I will fully admit that that's my personal downfall - I get off track for whatever reason (legit or not) and I get bogged down in the "oh well, I've ruined things, no point in not eating everything in sight until Monday/Wednesday/after Christmas/whatever/whatever/whatever." But, that's MY personal weakness that I'm working on. If YOU can move past things and get right back on track, then go for it.
  • jenniferv38
    jenniferv38 Posts: 44 Member
    Last week I made a giant (and I mean GIANT) bowl of popcorn and loaded it with salt and parmesan. I may or may not have also eaten more than my fair share of brownies as well. Next morning? I was up four pounds!! Now, I know my bloated self did not gain all that weight in fat but I sure felt crappy to see that on the scale. It took me six days to get rid of it. SIX DAYS!!! I learned my lesson. For me personally, no craving is worth six days of hard work. I am by no means an expert and I didn't become a size 22 by eating healthy and working out....but, I am learning from my own bad decisions that the consequences of an impulsive indulgence or caving in to a nagging craving are not worth it. My biggest trick when I am craving something? I go brush my teeth. Nothing tastes good right after brushing your teeth. The minty toothpaste taste usually stays around long enough for the craving to go away or for me to get distracted by something else.
  • AmyMS86
    AmyMS86 Posts: 30 Member
    Last week I made a giant (and I mean GIANT) bowl of popcorn and loaded it with salt and parmesan. I may or may not have also eaten more than my fair share of brownies as well. Next morning? I was up four pounds!! Now, I know my bloated self did not gain all that weight in fat but I sure felt crappy to see that on the scale. It took me six days to get rid of it. SIX DAYS!!! I learned my lesson. For me personally, no craving is worth six days of hard work. I am by no means an expert and I didn't become a size 22 by eating healthy and working out....but, I am learning from my own bad decisions that the consequences of an impulsive indulgence or caving in to a nagging craving are not worth it. My biggest trick when I am craving something? I go brush my teeth. Nothing tastes good right after brushing your teeth. The minty toothpaste taste usually stays around long enough for the craving to go away or for me to get distracted by something else.

    Popcorn with parmesan is my weakness! My husband thinks it's so disgusting, but I love it.

    Anyway, I had Olive Garden on Memorial Day and had way too many breadsticks and alfredo sauce. I was up 4 pounds the next day due to the bloat and now, 4 days later, I've lost most of it. I still need to lose .4. Not a big deal, but frustrating. I think if you're really strict with yourself, you're going to set yourself up for binge days, which could make it much more difficult to get back on track. Especially if you are a compulsive weigher and get discouraged by the increase. I think it's better to do as someone else suggested and have a piece of pizza, but mostly fill up on veggies or whatever. It's all about moderation, for me.